comfortable walkingwith God. 285 be to the wifeas a covering of her eyes-, that fbe lift them not Gtn.20. L6. up amoroufly upon any man ; and the wife to the husband, thepleafnre of his eyes , that he may fill looke upon her with Ezck. 24'16' fober and fingular delight. Otherwife they will finde but cold comfort in that counfell and.commandernent ofSalomon, i'rov 5 i 8,1 9, Rejoyee with the wife. of thy youth. Let her be as the loving Hind,andplusfart Roe : let her brefisfathfie thee at all times, and be thou raviAt alwayes with her love. With- cut this mutual! complacency, that I may. fo fpeake, and lo- vingcontentment each in other , I doubt whether I fhonld encourage any to proceed. And yet why fhould not a corn, fortable concurrence of grace on botli fides confcnt of Pa- rents, meetneffe in flare, iature, birth yeeres, and all other requifites betides c. eve hi a mortified heart, tnarrimoniall aff..aion ? And yeti Nvould by no meanes caultic fly confine and 011f-rare anv A--d yet I would rot have an invincible An- "Am" on PP tipathy , and " I" cannot love , bUt I know not why, pretended, when as perhaps indeed and truth it is ondy carnal! cutiofitie .which breakes a convenient match. 3. In going about fuch an important bufineffe , plie The Throne of Grace with extraordinary importunitie, and fer- vency of prayer ; preffc upon, and wrefile, as it were, with God in dayes of morefectet and folcmne humiliation for a blefling in this kind; and with that finceritie ; that thoudoe heartily (.1,. fire him, whatfoever thy conceits, and expedati- on of future comforts, and conveniences May be yet if it be not with his liking, and to his glory, he wouldbe plealcd to dafh it quite. A good wife is a more imtnediate gift of God: -Horst and riches , faith Salomon Are the inheritioce offathers; Hine efficizur, turaprudent wife t from the Lord. a And therefore fuch a rPeciali Tiadani rare and precious 'ewe! b is to be fired and fought for at Gods ppfir. preces -M rcy feate, wit;h more extraordinary earneftneffe, itnpor at- al16c fort'entenl nitie and And me thinks;that wife.child,Or what other good thing is procurai at Gods merciful' hand by prayer., Si, Pr.'. citca bon vit?;irn precl)us.a Deo 8t votis pctittr:maxime petencia eil Lixor bona reddif uva & sea perot la ziores, & tvirio es advet (as contra very mala & fecund infolcicet, deCp9ndebit, ananurn very tiu,stir4 cou4 "ell ; lit it not ele4 bee coatern:ei 0.4 VQ0 '1,teC f. V !VCS c;rp x. pag 22. b Scc Geni..24. az 63,