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238 Geileralldireolionsfor a asiaasawroalwalaumM Ilimrawaeissom fhould bring with it, even in our fence and thankefull ac- knowledgement,a thoufand timesmore fweetneffeand com- fort, then that which is caft upon us byGods ordinary pro- vidence, without any ft/ice at all , unto his heavenly High. neffe. 4. Let the partiesdeale plaincly and faithfully one with the other, in refpeet of their bodies, foules, and outward Rate. I imeane it thus ; That they fhould not deceive and coozen one the otherby a crafty concealement offome foule difeafe, fpecially deformity, naturall defea,&-c.iti body; efpe- daily , which they thinke in their confciences, and impartial! confederations, if it were their cafe, would breede intolerable dingle and difcontentment : or of fome fecret maimeand cracke in theiroutward 'late, whichneither theother partie, or friends , doe either expett, or fufpeet : for fo theymay bringa great deale of after-mifery, and too late repentance upon the match. For naturally wee hate themwhichbeguile us. And a man or woman is moft impatient offailing, and being difappointed of their hopes and expectations , in fo great and waighty affaire as. Marriage is. And therefore it were veryconvenient, and much better to difclofe the one unto the other , the mareriall infirmitiesand wants in either of their bodies or goods, though withhazzard of miffing the match ; rather then the one to obtainethe other with guile, cunning, and after-difcomfort. I laid alfo, in relpea of their foules ; by which I meane ; that for the time of Wooing onely, as they call it, they fhould not put ona vi- zor, flout ifh, and chew ofReligion, converfion, and grace; when in deed and truth, there is no fuch matter. For this ex- ecrable impoflurealfo, is fometities villanoufly praetifed, to the ii:finite prejudice, and perpetuall hearts,griefe of thede- lud :d And not onely fome parties are cunning, re- fer,ed,and faulty this way ; but even Chriftian friends are too often too forward, peremptory , and audacious, in giving teflimonies and affurances in fuch cafes. Nuw this is thegrea- teft guile, and moft curled coozenageofall ; when onecon- ceives, by the preterit cunning carriage of the partie, and partial!