cern_fortable w4lkingwithGod. 239 partiall information offriends, that he or fbee bath met with a ionic beautified with grace ; whereas when it comes to the tryall bath juft none acquaintance with God at all. Now I come unto the fecond Point; A religious and com- fortable continuance in the Marriage-flare. For the happy attainement whereof; let us take notice of, and lay toheart ; firfl, Tome common Duties, which are mutually to be perfor- med onboth fides. I. Lovingneffe. Which is a drawing into a6lion, and kee- ping in exercife that habit ofconjugal' affeetion, Matrimoni- all love mentioned before. It is a fweet, loving, and tender- hearted powring out of their hearts , with much affe6tio- nate deareneffe , into each others boloInes ; in all paffages, carriages, and behaviours , one towards another. This mu- tnall melting-heartedneffe , beeing preferved frefh and fruitfull , will infinitely fweeten and beautifie the Marriage Hate. Foranuninterrupted prefervationof this amiabledeport- talent onboth fides let themconfider, t. The wife hand of Gods gracious providence guidedall: the bufineffe and brought it to paffe. And bee commands conflancy in this loving and lightCome carriage. Prov. 5, 18, Reioyce with the wifi of thyyouth. Let her be as the loving Hind , andpleafiant Roe , let her brefis fatkfie theeat all tinter,: andbe thins raw,lbed alwayes with her love, See alfoEph. 5.25. Me thinkes this charge from the holy Ghoft, being often re- verently remembred , fhould ever beate backe and banifh from both their hearts,all heart rilingand bitterneffe;diftafte, and difaffeaion , all wicked wifhes,that they had never met together, that they had never feene one anothers faces, &c. When the knot is once tied,every man fhould think his wife, and every wile her husband, the fitted` for himofany in the world. Ochervvife , fo often as he fees a better, he will with that his choife were tomake again,and fo falloff from refpeet to this Comtnandement , and from kindneffe and love to his owne. Which is an inexpiable difparagement to Gods pro- vidence, and an execrable empoyfoner of Marriagecomforts. t. That