24° General!-diraionsfor a 2. That by the power of the honourable Ordinanceof Marriage, they two are made one. And therefore theyought to be as lovingly and tenderly affected one unto the other, as theywould be to their owne flefh. 3. The compaffionate and melting compellations, which Chrifl and his Spoufe exchange in the Canticles (Airy faire one,myfiller, my love, my Dove, Pgunderfiled, my welbeloved, thechicle often thoufand,&c. whole chafe and fervent love, that ofmarried couples fhould refemble and imitate. 4. That there mutual! exprefftons and exercife of this matrimonial! love, are very powerful! to preferve chafiitie and purencffe in bodyand fpirit on both fides. It is noted of if:lac, that he loved Rebekah dearely ; and this was a fpeciall prefervative, that he fell not toPolygamy or concubines, as many of the Patriarkes did. IL Faithfulneffe. refpe& of the Marriage-Bed; which they ought on both fides to keepe inviolable, unde- filed, and honourable. Wherein, if they tranfgreffe, befides an wholehell of fpirituall miferies , they ftrike at thevery finew, heart, and life of the Marriage Knot; and become liable ( if the Magifirate fhould doe, as God commanded a- mongft his people ) to thebloody droke of a violent death. And therefore it behooves all that enter this bate, to behum- bled,and repent for all former wantonneffe; or elfe,a thoufand toone,it will breake out,either into a fenfuall, immoderatea- bufeof the Marriage ; which the Fathers call, Adultery with a mans owne wife ; or elfe into a lufifull hankering after the flrangewoman. 2. In refpe&of domeflicall affaires , and bufineffes of the family. The care andburthen whereof is common to them both. The Husband that hath a prodigal! and !lothfiill wife, lothbut drawwater with a Sive , as the Heathenman laid, and calls his labours into abottomleff_ facke. And the wife that is matcht withan idleunthriftieHusband, drawes a Cart heavy laden thorow a fandy way,without a Horfe.By which is intimated an impoffibilitieof thriving in the world, and profpering in their outward Rate, 3. In