comfertable walking with God. 241 3. In theconcealement of each others fecrets. It is a very unnatural! and monftrous treachery, topublifb one anothers faults and frailties, or any thing, which in hope of keeping counfell, they have communicated one to another. They are ill birds, as they fay, that defile their owne nefts ; and franticke Bedlams that fo throw dirt in each others faces. I I T. Patience. Which is as preciousand needful! an ho- ly duty, as I can poffibly commend in this cafe, for comfort- able converting together. For amore prepared and conftant exercifc whereof; con- fider, . That two Angels are not met together in a Matrimo- niall Elate, but a fonne and daughter of eAdon r And there- fore they mull Tooke for infirmities, frailties, imperfeaions, pal-lions, and provocations, onboth fides. 2. That it is a charge given toall; Than the Steammtel? not gmdomeupon their wrath : much more to Man and Wife linked together in the neerell bond. 3 . That therenever did, nor ever will come anygood,by the falling out of Man and Wife. Well may they thereby become ridiculous to their fervants , a. by-word to their neighbours, Table-talke to the Country, troublers of their owne bout; and as a continual! dropping one untoanother; but they fhall never gaineby their mutuall haflineffe, paffi- ons, and impatiency. What good can come by a mans an- ger and indignation againft his owne flefh ? What prodigi- ous madneffe is it for them togroworange, hom lo many and perpetuall bands have tyed fo fall; and who without deareft and moil intimate familiarity, canneither enjoy civil! contentment or peace ofconfcience ? Suppofe that theheart fbould fall out with thehead, and deny unto it, thole fpirits whichbecome animal! in the braine, and ferve for exercife both of fence, andby,confequent of the higher part of the fouls; What would follow, but aiftemper, diftraftion, and madneffe ? Or that the head fhould fall out with the body ; and thereupon reftraine from it the influence of animal! fpi. rits, the inftruments of the quickning and mooving it; What would