242 Generalediregions fora emill lob would become of thehead, when the body were dead ? Pro- portionable mifchLfes and mit-cries fall out upon the Marti. age- flate, by fallingcur, ft rangeneffe, bitternetfe, and angry refervednefle betweene the pat ties. This grace then will be of excellent ufe, andmull be exer- cifed many wayes : . In bearing with the wants,and weakenefres, infirrni- lies and deformities of each other. And let the man, (for the woman is the weaker veflell) remember for this purpofe ; howmany faults, frailties, and falls; and how many times Chrift remitsand pardons to his Simile the Church. And beeought to lovehis wife, as Chrift doth the Church, Eph. 5.25. The bodydothnot rejea the head, becaufe it is bald, or but one-eyed : The head rageth not againft the body, be- caufe it is deformedor difeafed, but doth rather condole and fympathize. 2. About croffe accidents in the family, loffes in their out- ward elate ; going backward of bufineffes, &c. They muff not lay the fault oneupon another, to the breaking out into choler, impatiency, and !tamping ; but both joyne withblec. fed lob, in that Tweet and meeke fubtniffion to Gods plea. fare : The Lord hathgiven, and the Lord bath taken ama., ; 61effed be thename of the Lord. 3. In waiting for the converfionof oneanother ; ifeither prooveunconverted. In which cafe,be patient, pray, and ex- peel Gods good time. We have God himfelfe afweet Pat- terse for this purpofe. See before,' P 02 . Orif the one be but a Babe in Chrift, weake in Chrillianity ; dcale fairely, lovingly andmeekely. Let our Lord Iefushis tender- hearted- neffe to fpirituall yonglings, teach us mercy this way. See 141.40. I 1. I V. Anholy care and confcience to preferve betweene themfelves, (for there is a conjugal', as well as virginal! and vidaall chaftity) the marriage bed undefiled, and in all ho- nour and Chriftian purity. It ought by nomeanes tobee ftai- ned and difhonoured with fenfuall exceffes, wanton fpee- ches fool&dalliance ;andother uncleanc incentivesof luff,