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comfortablewalkingwith God. 243 whichmarriage iliould quench not inflame. Even in wed- locke,intemperateand unbridled lull ; - immoderation and ex. ceffe, is deemed both by ancient andaioderneDivines , no better then plaine adultery before God. Twoancient worthy Fathers,Ambrofe and aAmflin,fpeake a ...iuguf1. cow thus: What is the intemperate man inmariago i buthis wives a- p"114:3' 72 tiro ?: :, dulterer I The refolution of theb reft found to the fame fence. tans in conju Fgio, e Asa man may be a wickeddrunkard with hisowne drinko ; flutamalivaddurtier: odagliitton,by exceffive devouringofhis owne Meat:fe; likewifi, vxorisl aotriat the one may be uncleanem the immoderate vie ofthe marriagebed. pbatte"leNlethe or= Even Popifh Cafuifis difcoVer and deteft-aberrations and dtlitatt., (ftletkiag exorbitancies ofmarriedcouples in their Matrimonial! mee- 6:.e fapprorvlic);*xboric tings. ( But reade fuch paffages with much modcfiie and adulterum,inrem- perantemaritum: judgement.) . omneconuubii bo Nay beamwhat a very Philoropher faith ofthe point : In numdpenfans no theprivate acquaintance, faith he, andvfeofmarriage , there f7dPifidreapcco:irCsa: misfl bee amoderation ; that i, at religious anda devout band :;i1orni.1m7r,:i for that pleafarre that is therein , mug bee mingledwith fame fccdiLea connitn'acio fiverity. It mull bee awife andconfcionable delight. e.4 man irridnionriisOfeludptawt3e wefltouch his wife difcreetly, and for honefly, &c. Another 'ulnae 53rePaSi- thus : Marriage is a religious and devout bond: and that is girtfulter eft vxo. the reafim , the pleafure a man loath of it, fhouldbee a roo- rig proprix, ama- derate , flayed , and firious pleafisre , and mixed with fe:. Lor del rsiio.Er.zHeice. b. verity : . it ought to bee a delight fornewhat circremlpea and ,,,,,,ricxiystleintPcynithi confrientious. Es. Nihil ell fee- Wee may conceive, what moderate,reverent,and honora- &us, quamv..- ble thoughts Antiquity entertained of the marriage flate,and arediiiriltaemruamre.' qua conjugall chaftity ; by Euariflus words, Epift. a . adomnes lib x.codntra revini.. Epife.,elphri. Let new married coup lei he, for two or three f; -.'2 4..:211t fiuCitliclen2 dayespy Prayer, that they may havegood children , and invicem red- conjuges debitum fibi pleafe the Lord in their manage duties. . dere, fed turpiter convenire non de- bent. Greg. Tom 2,in a. Sam. cap. 15. Col, 1572. Conjuges feipfis uti debent non ad rurpirudinem mere. triciz obfccenitatis, fed ad temperantiam honeftatis. Ibid. Cot. 1575. Si fubiudiamus toTe,przcepturn erit ad conjuges, ut pudice, & qua' decet bonenate mat rimonium inter fe colanr,ta vir cum uxore tem. peranter & calk habitet, nec rorurn maritalern indignis lallivijs profaner, fciintque conjugati non quidvis fibi Deere : fed ufum tori legirimi debere effe moderatum, ne quid alienum a conjuglj pudore & caftimonii admitrant. Par. in v, 4. cap. 13. ad Heb. c Doti upon the feventh Commandment. d (bac, Tom. a . pag..ao6. edit. sin. Though 1 agree to Ofianclets ccslitre, caa. 2. lib A. cap 2. pad. 4. yet is the fore 5 cite le, itfitlyfitverniytarne. Nov