Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

CeNrali direclions for a q si f-,-,.pe,-, ,:-are Peter, you comefrown Heaven, &-c . In gaiter- times, if a "i:.'ies,aIl!:`.s.,,t6csolleu.' man were but meerely civil!, ingenious chafie, t(mp erat.e, tree g $-!.'_ 'aliquo 'gel 'MC made a -vord wnd laughing flock! to thofe about him.. bq '""-e"' ' They prefent y faid ; Hee va4..proud,lingWar, befide himfille, er lubticam per- ditorum Y iarn non Hypocrite, d- c. Thus it was, is at this time, and will be to the fctleturi fiLE.)1a,ct 1,1, ,,A riiiculurn ceteris worlds end, that every fligmaticall Whoremonger, beaftly cflicitur. incoiens Drunkard, ignorant Lo.zell, fcoffing Ifmaei, and Selfe-guilty i-gs7efetnfiensgeue-, wretch will have a bitter gird, a dry blow, as they fay, a Hypoerita c,,ea- lcurrill gibe, to throw like theMad- mans fire-brand into the curl appellamr. r vne, , ,.,,ki,i race of Gods people, as though they were a company of ad bmlargl .rt,igern cddelomorcus fdlowes , and a contemptible generation devenizentji cum mccieft:s et bons This, If fay, ever was, and ever will bee , the worlds opinionOF clegetent 5 hIc the yvayes of God. The children of darkeneffe ever harbour ve:ione a bitraeti T-cnneomm con- fuch conceits, and peremptorily pack filch cenfures upon the '17°Itia ad malmn children of light. ttrahuntur,dun3 tz- lia inter litos con- It is fhange I Men are content to be angular in any thing, ttbernalq non-d- -lave in the fervice of God,and falvation of their foutesThey IA fubite veren- till. Nicolam de defire, and labour too, to bee fingularly rich, and the weal, ''''Ym"g"'d"itiil thief' in a Towne; to bee fingularly p Joan.roud, and in fafhion Afinije. Eect aped --- oan. dc u,rfuno, by thernfelves ; to be the ffrongefi in the company to powre awn, 2, in firong drinke. They Ivo ld with all their hearts ;rein hri.- nour alone, and adored above others. They would dwell a-- lone, and not fuffer a poore mans bottle to bee within figlaN: They affcci fingularity in wit, learning, wifedome, valour, worldly reputation, and in all other earthly precedenties but they can by nomeaner endure aloneneffe, and fingulari- ty in vale,ard the Lords fervice. In mattersof Religion,they are refolvca to doe as the moil doe, though in fo doing they certainly damne their owne foules,Mar.7,14. Bafefl coward- linefle, and fearcfulneffe fit for fuch a doome I. Revel. 21,8: They are afraidof takings Gods part too much ; of fighting zoo Valiantly under the Colours of atilt ; of being too bu, fie about the falvationof their .foules ; Jell they fhould bee accounted too precife, fellowes: of an odde humour, and Ongroffers of more grace than ordinary., It is one of Satans drea.dfUll depths, as wide as hell, and brimme-full with the Wood:of infinite foul-es : Tomake men ambitious, and cove- tous