Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

I4 Generall direRionsfor a ,..=.411y. ...e.09...71 upon the face of this Kingdorne in the time of Qtrene Ma- ry ; efpeciall watched extraordinarily , a..d molt flrongly guardedby all the policy of h:11, and power of the Pope ? that the blood of thole blared Martyrs fnould bring forth fince, fuch a world of Gods fincere worfhip, and fo ma ny doufands of gracious Souks, who are already crowned with everlaaing ? That QUCCLIC Elizabeth, that match- leffe Princeffe , and Pearle of the World, fhould in thole fiery times bee preferved in fafety, as a fweet harmelefre Lambe, amidf} fo many tnercileffe Roinifh Wolves, who implacable chirft,d for her precious life ? Was it not a won. der, that the tocrea hand of that felfe-fame crowned bleffed Lady, next under Gods Almighty One, fhould in delpight of all the Powers of Darkne.ffe, and Porn rage, raifc our true Religion, as it were bymiracle from the dead, a thing which the World -fo little hoped to fec ; that even they, whichbeheld it done, fcat fly beleeved their owne fences at the firft beholding ? That afterward, the Silver line of her much-honoured life fhould bee hid in the endleffe maze of Gods bcttomeleffe mercies,from the 'fierce affaults of fo ma- nyPopifh Etits,fuch a prodigious varietyof murderous com- plotments againa her facred7Perfon ; and all thole delperate Affafins of-Rome, who all her life lang hunted full greedily The exec/let:6;Y ofafter her Virgin blood ? " And was not our deliverance in ,5,4,7`1,17:ridrj:/ Eighty eight a Miiacle, when the Sea fought for us, and her extraard;. proud waves enlarged themfelves to (wallowup quicke their 4arilyimprooved,in miyamico,,p. prouder burden.? There was-a day, as many of us may re- ehe of that member, which the Papias called, The lone-lookt.forDay ; bleffed Lady from to 3ms the Day which 'boold pay for all : They meant the Day, fo nani rnprrie., la when Queene Elizabeth fhould dye. About which, their falfe prophets were fo confident and hopefull, that they ex- ran Threatningi, peaed tipon the bloodof that Day, to hay ebuilt their Tdola- Ariincefiera , Ls- vafim,Carje,,Ex- trolls Babell againe ; For they would needs foretell, that it would bee a bloody Day. Y By the uncertainty of the next aIlthe utmeft ma- lice of Bell and Mire (laid one of' them in the late Q_reenes clayes)our Como. Tcpe, try is in the rnofi dreadfull, and defperate cafe in the greateft v ....ofwet to the v :Libel of Engl.iart And In dangerosi rennet, thatever it woufince, or be ;!,,as. 176. tr Os- fore