38a General' direilions for a exchange thecomfort, which the weakeft faith may extra out of this fvveeteft place, for all theKingdome of theearth, For he faith nor, that his waycs and thoughts_of knowledge andwifedome ; but hiswayes and thoughts of mercy, are as farre above ours, as theHeavens are above the Earth o In. deed, as himfelfe is aboveman, which is, infinitely. But take noticeby the way, that themercies of God doe exercife this infiniteunrefiftablepower onely in trucly humbled beleeving foules ; heartilyhating, and fincerely fet againft all finne. fay fo, left any impenitent fhould pervert this precious point, or trample upon this Pearle. For as in fuch a foule no finnes either fornumber or notorioufneffe, can poffibly withlland, or ftandbefore Gods infinite mercies : fo not onedrop of all thole infinite mercies belongs unto any that goes on wil- lingly and delightfully, hating to bee reformed, in any one knowne fume, or that he might know, and wilfully forbeares tobee informed. As the unvaluableblood of Chrill turner the very fcarlet (banes of the truelybrokenbeleevingheart in- to whiteft (now : fo it will never wafh away the kart finfull llaine, from theproud heart of anyunhumbled Pharife. Let none therefore thatgoes on 1E11 inhis trefpaffes, takeup any vaine confidence, or mil-groundedconclafion of falfe com- fort fromhence, by mifconceiving thus : Is it fo, thatthe in- finiteneffeof Gods mercy cannot bee refilled by the great- neffe, or multitudeof finnes, being ever finite both in their number and nature ? how is it poffible then that I ihould miffeof thole infinite mercies ? Whymay not I comfortably hope, that my finnes alfo (hall be (wallowed up in that bot- tomeleffeSea ? I will tell thee whys As the power of God, though it be infinite, yet is limitedby his will; fo the mercies of God, though they be infinite, are regulatedbyhis truth. He is able to make millions of Worlds more,btat yet we fee, his Will was but to create one. His mercies tranfcend with immeafurable diftancc, theheight of Heaven, and depth of Hell, andare indeed, as Himfelfe, infinite : ?mit hisTruthbath toldus, that none (hail have part in them, but thofe alone who