con enablewalking with God. 3g9 who repent andbeleeve. Gods Truth revealed in his Word, mull ever confine the current of his compalitons, and is the touchftone to trye and qualifie thofe, towhom his mercies belong. See then what kind ofpeople are partakers ofGods infinite mercies,by the teflimonieofthat Word ofTruth, by which we mull beejudged at the !aft Day, Pro. 28. z3. Luke 4.18. Ifai. 6r.i,2); Pfal. I 5. Ezek. 18. 21. Pal. x47 ;. Ifai. 55.7. Pfal.34a 8. Solomon faith in the citedplace ; Hee that confefethandfirfinikethhit linnet, have mercy. How then can beeexpel t any mercy, who takes themnot toheart , but lies in them ? I I I. Of the pardonablenefie of my other finnes , faith another, I could bee reafonably well perfwaded ; but alas, there is one above all the reit , which now upon difcovery and remorfe , I finde tobee full ofranke andhellifhpoyfon of fuch a deepe and damnable die ; to have ftrooke fo defpe- rately in thedaies of my letvdneffe , at the very face ofGod himfelfe ; and farre deepelier into the heart of Ielms Chri then the fpeare that pierced him , bleeding upon the crone ; and therupon at this prefent , flares in the eyeofmy newly awaked and wounded confcience, with fuch horrour and grieflinefle, that I feareme, divine juftice willthinke it fitter, to have thismot loathfome,inexpiable flaine,rather at length firedout ofmy foule with everlafting flames ; ( if it were poffibit that eternall fire could expiate the finfull flames of any impenitent damned foule ) then to bee fairely wafhed away in themeane timewith His blood, whom I fo cruelly and curfedly pierced with it. Oh l this is it that lies nowup- on my heart like a mountaine of Lead, farm heavier then Heaven andEarth, and enchaines it with inexplicable terrour to the duff and place of Dragons. This alone flings defpe- rately ; keepes me fromChrift, and cuts me off from all hope of Heaven. Iam afraid, my wilfull wallowing in it hereto- fore, bath fo reprobated my minde, fealed my confcience, andhardened myheart, that I (hall ,never bee able to repent withany hopeofpardon. C c 2 And