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Genera11 dire ionsfor 39° And why fo ? Is this finne of thine greater, then Manap fells familiarity with wicked fpirits? Then Taub drinking up thebloodofSaints ? Then any of theirs in that blacke Bill, z. Cot 6. 103 I I . who notwith[landingwere afterward up- on repentance waffled , tan6tified and juftified in the name of the Lord Iefus , and by the Spirit ofGod ? Then Eves tranfgreffions who opened the floudgate to all the finnes which (hall be committed from the Creation tothe end ofthe World, and to all thofe torments which (hall flame in Hell thorow all eternitie ? Then that horrible finne of killing Chrift Iefus ? And yet the murtherers ofthat Ina and holy One, upon their true compunaionofheart, were Paved by that precious blood,which they had cruely fpillt as water up- on theground. But bee it what it will, a fcarlet firm, a crim- fin finne, a crying finne ; and adde into it Satans malicious aggravations, and all that horrour, which the dejeetedneffe of thy prcfent affliEted fpirit,and darkeneffe ofthymelancho. like imagination can put upon it;yet Pawls precious Antidote, Rom.5.2o. holds triumphantly Soveraigne afwell againft the hainoufnetfe of any one finne, as the confluenceof many, `;sitFgVaTtugl Where finne abounded, grace over-abounded. It is indeed a ve- ry heavycafe, and to beedeplored even with teares ofblood, that thou fhouldeft ever have fo highlydifhonored thy gra- cious God, with filchan horrible finne in the dayes ofthy va- nitie, and thou oughtell rather chufe to be tome in peeces qui Non alit8t rn with wild Horfes then commit it againe ; yet if thyheart a fi guts febricitan. now truely wounded with horrour and hate ofit, will but foliunmipirbb:rang cleave to the truthand tender-heartednefie of Mils Chrift in icd & for:maim; his promifes , and fall into his bleffed and bleeding armes edfficLoent fi firetched out aloft lovingly to cafe and refrefh thee ; as the aut eturientem hainoufheffe of it hath aboundedheretofore; His grace will non parceret &multo- now abound to the a fame proportion ; and much more : rural conlbtuer et Nay, I will Phew thee aPearle. In thiscafe by accident,Gods Dominum ; arque maxintii evehe. mercies mall be extraordinarily honoured, in pardoning fuch ret primapatum. a prodigious provocation; becaufe they are thereby , as it aryfeft. in cap. 5. .dFoy. were, put unto it, and theirdeareneffe , fweetneffe, and infix iiteneffe