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comfortable walking with Goda niteneffe improoved to the greater height andendemic and b the blood of Chrift made, as it were, more orientand brar in!cl° at re' illuftrious uvci 1,:eractciaa. ; and the honour and precioufneffe ofit advanced, by waffling away fuch an hainous hellilh fpot If webring cum abundans, fir broken beleeving hearts towards his Mercy-feat ; it is the mgaLAce= Lords Name to forgive all forts ofoffences, c tsity,tranf:. bours. eraft in`P1114c7ct!` grdionandfinne, Exod. 34.7. It is His Covenant to fprinkle nzvisac przil"a; cleane water upon us, that we may be cleane, and to cleanfe stiiacficieu eiVett7' 36. 25 peccataorfi noitros- USfrOM all onr,filthineffe,andfromall our Ezek. even from Idolatry, the higheft villany againft the Majeflie gr.atix.,Iquxftaalondt cruporlaeygoer; of Heaven : So that a Papift,upon repentancemay be laved. It is His promife not onely to pardon ordinary finnes , but Escril:V= tholealto which be as fcatlet, and red like crimfin,/fiii.r 8. iUufttior, 7)4r. It is His free companion tocall; all our finnes into the depths & rccius. sic cmiin ofthe Sea,M;ch.7.19.Now theSea,by reafonof vaftneffe can drowne as well Mountaines as Molehils : the bound- :itiTctrin kffe Oceanof Gods mercies can fwallow up our mightieft MtnodniiigibduF.; finnes muchmore. It is his mercifull power toblot out our venial, fed avn. finnes as a cloud, qsuicbtprycc, jrai.44. 22. New the ftrengthofthe Sum- Sunne is able to leaner the thicken Fog , as well as the Ninr4the. Laotdiffea. thinneft Miff nay to drive away the darkest midnight : the kerb filer! unrefifiable heateof Gods free love fhining thorow theSun degree'st to peewee that at ihneorwe ,i4wnhortfiler ofRighteoutneffe upon a penitent ionic to diffolve tono- finne farce more eafily. But this myflerie of mercy, andmi-g thing the delperateft worke ofdarkeneffe,and molt horrible or outward ratnnlii corruptioNt li racle of Grods free love, is a Iewell onely for truely hum- necked prefionliti* bled foules, and the Fountaine. Let no stranger GesdnoLdbe:Eier drel rye:of to the life of godlineffe meddle with it. dy to remit it. Hier. Let no Swine trample it under his feete. FINIS. c 3 A