confinablewalkingwi,;1 God. 2 ".1 fire and fincere endeavour todoe his children good epidural. ly , freed from the horrour of inch blood-guiltineffe , and leaves them to that comfortable outward eflate,whichno in- jury or ufury bath impoyfoned , and to that never-failing providence of our heavenly Father, which then is wont to wakemon gracioufly , and bountifully for us , when we renouncing the arme of fleet', the favour of man, ricIrs of iniquitie , and all filch broken naves of reede , dependmon upon it. If we will needs be our owne carvers for things of this life, either by right or wrong, fraud or faire dealing, all is one, fo that wee may thrive and grow great in the world ; then are we jultly call off from all mercifull care over us, and expofed tomine and curfe. But if we reel fincerely for our felves and ours upon the all-powerfull Providence ,it will never faile , nor forfake us, but ever exercife, and improovc its fweeteneffe and wifedorne , for our true and everlafting good. In the third Point, a defcription of Noahs fpirituall hate, which is the compleate Chargter of a true Chriftian ; con- fining of three Attributes : i. h Juflneffe. Z. i Sinceritie. h.Plir f°"' 3. Piety. I colic& from the firfl this note : juftum, ac virumprobu, D . Every truly religious Man , is afro a righteous, and bonum, aqui vi- true-dealin man. From the fecond, this : delicet ac jnili ftudiotum. `Doff. Sinceritie is the finew, and Touch-hone of true 'CM figni' Chriflianitie. ficat hominem in- tegrum, fimphcE, But thefe two,I have fooften preffed in the courfe of my candidum, ac fin- Miniftery, that I will paffe by them at this time, cerum, non verfu- tum in quo nullus Looke what kinde of bonen)/ to men that is, which is doles deprchen- not accompanied with Religion towards God; the me is decirfar4iv, oornel fa that Religion towards God, which is not attended with ho- rd ceoonroen teL re neflie to men. Ynlooneft religion , kreligiom bon* , anfin- Nec nt eere religion and honefly , are all in one predicament, as they viler , or fay, andall out of' the right path . If thou have refpeft one- vec)ritlierr, CenctlerinPtrecs ly to the Commandments of the&ft Table, and outward grum , fincerum, non fucatii. Mere. in hunc locum, Sometime, le the fame that,nonfeaudulentns confiliis,non varius,fed fimplex,spud Pagn.0 Inn nonperfedionem.abfolutz fanaitatis, fed finceritatem Gordis & pietatis fignificat, quam folam Deus i nob,: nunc taiga : fiat dicicur, r.Tim.E.5. Finis mandati efi, &c. Par. C 3 performance,