TheTable. 2. Abhorrefervile andhypocriticall thought. ibi. obedience. 4; God isgtorifiedby our thoughts.' 9Q 'Divers forts ofHypocrites- 44 Nothing can hinder our thoughts a. Neceffitte ofwalking in limeparti- Someheavenly thoughts. did. cular calling. 48 Thoughts be moilflorituall. 91 males thereof: ibid. 2.7 o watchover our hearts,which 5. Deny thyfelfe. 51 are (f.4. a citkbefieged. ibid. 4. Live by Faith. T.for zuftification. What hurt by the eareancleyei az z. Sanaifietition. 53 Crufh ill thoughts inrifing, notirifh f. Specially regardfiabglantiall mat- good. tens of chriflianitie. 57 3. Lift l up the heart to heave J - 4. ..Arme firongly againft werldli- thoughts. ibid. ere, 60 6. watch over thy unrulypaffions 7. Be ravlhedwithGods Love. 61 as Anger. . . 94 8.Prike Godsfavour above all,with Lifien to the counfell of morallmen afree acceffe to him. 6z, inmanyparticulars. 95 9.Conflant meditation on chria, 65 There is a holy Anger. 99 io.oft thinke ofthe boos ofheaven. 1. To fee God in all crops is chiefe 65 to moderate Anger. ` 100 General! direEtions. 66 2. Gods patience tofinners. s ibid.- Confcionable performanceofholydu- Needlefe feares breedcauflefe for ties. %bid. rowes. 104 I. A right difpofition before, not li- Comforts again( thefi feares. rcS vinginfinne. 67 Somegrieuefar troubleslongpaftalo 2.4 ffiirituall behaviour in them. 68 spiritual! ioyandforrow agree. iii 3. Labourforwhat we prayfor 69' 7. Lot* to thy tongue. 112 2.. Decline idlenefe. 7o AChrillian falling into illcompany I 3. Being folitarymeditate,with. muft reproof. . 113 Rand thoughts ofpleafure 71 Except Dogs and Swine , who lie Nourifh no wickedthought. 72 fact,. 114 Let not opportunitieflip. ib. .Advife indifficult cafes. a 18 4. Company,fhtin evill. 73 S'infroll forbearing reproofe. 119 Two foldfellowfhip;commonlawfull Reeifons for repro°.P. withall, ffiecaall not lawful!. ;b. Manyhurt by ill company. 74 ThreeRides ofconverfing withpro- phone. 86 HoW to converfe withgood company. Godly flandred to bee chicle cenfu- y ...% ibid. rers-. T29 -5. Specially,looke to thy heart. I. our Difference betweene ri t and pro- thoughts. 2. to keepe our thoughts phone cenfuring. 130. fubiell to Gods will. 88 Godly in all agesreproched. 131 Godteeth outthought's. 89 How the godly doe cenfiire. . 132 Godly be troubledfar.theirsthoughts. IDivers ends ofcenfisring. 135 4t , - - ibiol21 : Backbiting'. ' tat we mu ft give account for every idle in what cares wee rnayfpealie CC 4 of 120 filence. whyfame be ten- ferioits. 126 Afincere heart will cenfure it felfe 28