Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

The Table. How this Risk is to beunderflood.zo8 2. He muil dwell:via her according ,4hhorre alluniid dealing. 210 to knowledge. ibid. How Goddenies with themlsiull. 212 1. To amend things amire or be iabr ie. Alines out ofwrongis abominable.n4 with them. Not to delight too much in any earth- Great hurt by not obferving one ano:- ly thing. 215 ther. 247 God takes away !itch delights. 116 2. By wife ordering all familie bug- Or he croffethflab. 217 nip. ibid. z. Vnfatiable. Nothing can content 3. chicle toguide her in the way to, the Soule but God. no life. 248 Soule changedfettleson God, under- 4Carefor thefalvationofhisfamibi ibid. fam ly, 'landing enlightened, will fails- fled. 221 Dutieofthe wife. I. to approoveof Communion with God is farre more her husbands authoritie. ' z5o thenfight ofHim. szz Motives to this, and danger of the 44ll sleights come !bort. ibid. I contrary. ibid, pnhappy joule thatfeekes content in 2. Awillingrubmiffiontobis direai creatures. 22; on,refiraints, commands. 241 Neverfatisfied. Cafes thereof. 224 A helper in all effates, apaterneofa Rageof ambition. sal worthy wife. 2.52 wofull efeasofcovetottfitero. 216 wifely to order her bufwifry, ffiecially OfVol:spume-he fie. 2.27 helpe ingrace. 214 ofmalice. 219 Both ioyne inprayer oft. Benefits fryi :,inordinate defirehardens theheart their ioynt prayer. 231 5. ofworker of mercy:tottefa:skill inMarriage. Grace is chkfily to be I 6. particulars. To the body. s 57 fought. mutuall contentment.3.35 Spiritual' be chief& vie to improve Seeke marriage by prayer. 237 all for furtherfalvation withfa- No concealement ofdefeas. 248 ving knowledge to himfelfe and Some tooforward in commending.ib. family. zs8 Common duties. I. Lovingneffe, fee Neighbours illrangers,oppofites , con- God in all. 239 flant in good. 26o They be one. z.faithfulnefe. 240 TOOreil may be thus mercifisll. ibid. . . manyeffeamall motives to this duty of mercy every day.- 261 4groffi negleil ofthis alfini. hinders allotherdeities. 26z z. Great hurt hereby: all is nought without this. 2.63 3. Example ofChrift a chiefe motive. ibid. Properties meet, momeet, 244 , 4. LaFi iudgement papa on this,da- Hee is in wifedometoprovide, excel tie. 264 ingifts. 241 5'. Godwillrepay. 266 Not to contemn for weakeneffe of 6. its theway to thrive in the world, fen& 146 order Cowbell,. ' 267 why Common cares offamilies. ibid. Conceale each othersfaults. 3. pati- ence. vide infirmities. 241 No goodbyfallingout. ibid. in bearingwithwants, not to blame oath other in crofes.waitingfor con. verfion ofoneanother4.Challity ib. Proper duties.I.E1U6bandas a head, . . -