General!direalons for dying-day. I . If fome worldly croffebe the continued prim cipall motive : 2. Or the humour of melancholy : 3. tf it be confufedly onely for finne , and in general! : 4 Or for fome one fpeciall notorious finne onely : 5. Or for lome lef- fer finnes , with neglea of greater, as for tything Mint, &c. 6. If it be onely legall : 7. But for Come finnes , of what kinde foever ; leaving but fo much as one knowne finne not taken to heart : 8. Or but for a time : All will come to naught. A foundationof godly forrow,leafurely, advifedly, and fincerely laid at &ft, will be for ever after, a comfortable encouragement to Faith, fpirituall joy, well-doing, and walk- ing with God. 3. Take the Totachflone of fruitfulf,powerfull,and fpeci- all markes; todifcerne anddifErence juftifying faxing Faith, from all falfe and infufficient faiths. For a temporary may goe farre. 4. Let knowledge and affeetion , like two individual! twins, growuptogether in thee ; and mutually transfufe fpi- rituall vigour into eachother. Prefume not upon any know- ledge , without an humble inflamed affeetion ; neither build toomuch upon the heat ofzeale,without the light of know- ledge : Either of thefe may be (Ingle in fome,and thatin fin- gularitie, who after may fall away fliamefully. 5. Above all, looke unto thy heart. If thy change were Angelical!, in words, actions, and all outwardcarriage , and yet thy thoughts mill the fame and referved : thou art but a In Ia. 4.14. guildedTombe , and cannot bee n faved. Let a man take a Woolfe, beate him blacke and blue,breake his bones, knocks out his teeth , cut away his clawes , put uponhim a Sheeps skinne, yet fill bee retaineshis Wolv ilk nature : Let a man become never fo harmeleffe outwardly, yet without anew heart, all is naught. 6. Incorporate thy tale into the company of Gods peo- ple, by all engagements and obligations of a profitable, inti- mate, andcomfortable fellow fhip in The Gofpell. There is a fecret tieunto conftancie in the communion of Saints. He is not like towal ke long, that walketh alone, elpecially, if bee might