Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

1PP eAa TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE, AND TRVLY NOBLE, EDWARD Lord Mountagueof Boughton, a fruit, full increafeof all heavenly graces ; and all watchfull preparation for the glory that than bee revealed. Much Honoured and Noble Lord Lthough the eminencyofyour , other perfonall worth, great ' Wifedome, and noble part fufficient attranive to every honeft heart, by reafonof the particular intereft it hath the common (late of gooct- neffe ; or your fpeciall bounty to my felfe, which ought to Iliac up an ingenuous mind, toapprehend anyopportunityof due and deferved acknowledge, ment ; or your publike deportment in the face of our country, fo worthy, and honourable, and ma- naged with fuch true honefty , grave moderation, and Nobleneffe of fpirit, which Cannot but draw A from