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comfortable walking with God. IMIC Luke: 13.24. Safe, denial!, 14,26. Stirpaffing the righteoug. 'lege of the Scribes and Phari f es, c.Matth.5 o. Laying violent hands and holdupon theKingdome of Heaven, vIlatth.ilt. 2. In a word : of theway which u called Holy, and yet Lo fpoken againft every where, Ati.2s 22. For I meane onely that precifcneffe which is commended untous, andcomman- ded by thebleffed Spirit in Gods pure and holy Word, I , know, all paffages of fanaification arc too precife ; and para doxes, intolerableand burdenfomc to flefh and blood, and in the interpretationof worldly wifedome,which notwithflan. dingare eafie and fweet to mortifiedmen. Thou muff (land at the Raves end,againft the finnes of the times, and like the Eagle, pruneup thy fen again a florme, or elfe thou art a temporizer. Outward exercises of Religion, are as it were the body, without which, the fouleof Chriflianity bath no exiftence. Thoumuff be content to abridge, and confine thy Chri. ftian liberty at any time, according to opportunities, and ex- igents, for the enlargement of Gods glory, the building up of thy brother, and fnaffling thine owne rebellious nature. Thou mayell, andmuff judgeby the fruits. It is Chrifs Rule, uTtatt12.7.16. If therefore thou tees} the abominable and unfavoury fruits of lying, fwearing, drunkenneffe, Sab- bath-breaking, vfury, fcoffing at Religion, &c. hangingout in the fight of theSunne ; thoumayell julllycenfure the tree tobe rotten, and for the prefent, fewell for the fire of Hell. Thou mayeft judge no man rafhly, nor of his finall estate (If we fee a malefaatur caft, andcondemned for Tome grie- vous crime, yet reprieved unto the next A ilize ; no man cant fay, he fhall be certainely hanged, becaufe apardon may bee procured, andcome from the King in the meane time : it is fo in the prefent cafe.) But thou mayeft calla spade, a fpade 4tdrunkard, a drunkard, an ufarer, an ufuret. Otherwife, if 'thoudawbe anddiffemble, how hlalt thou ever bee able to efcape liableneffe to that abomination , Troy. 17.1s. Hee thatjuflifieth the wicked, and bee that condemneth the AT: yen they both afro abomination to the Lord. And to the ,fling 59