Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

General( direalons for 4 in, and fromwithout. g. He will fhortly crowrie thee with everlaffing life, fulneffe of joy,and pleafares at his right hand forevermore. 3. Thirdly , confider the unquenchable impatiencie-of Chrifts inflamed love unto thee, now waffled with His Blood, andbeautified with His grace, Canticles 4. 9. Thou haft ravilbed my heart, faithHe to the Church, and bycode- quent to every true Chriflian, rosy Sifter, my Sponfe, thou haft ravilhedmy heart withOne of thine eyes , with onechainof thy ?take:. Now love is of thatalluring nature,that many times it will draw love from a man , when there is no lovely part in the partie loving. What a deale of love then Both theSove- raigne Lordof all goodneffe , the well-fpring of all beautie, excellencie , and fweetneffe exaa at our hands? efpecially fish wearehis meere creatures, in refpeti bothof our natu- rall being, outward flate,gracious flate and theElate ofglory? See howHis fpirituall amiableneffe is ihadowed by outward beauties, Cant. 5. i o. V III. Prize the fruitiouof Gods pleated face , a neerer communion and acquaintance with his bleffed MaNtie , the love and light of His countenance ; and thereupon a free and frequent acceffi',with an humble boldneffe,unto the throne of Grace, at a farre higher and more unvaluable rate, than heaven and earth ; as a very reall fruitfull fore-tafteof eternall joyes. For to fay no moreat this time ; If thou hold an holy famili- aide with thyGod, and He lookepleafedly upon thee, thou Limit grafpe lefus Chrifl more fweetly and feelingly in the acmes of thy Faith ; partake more plentifully of the joyful' freedome, pretence , and communication of His comforting Spirit ; 'be guarded more flrongly and narrowly by His glo- rious Angels , fucke more fweetneffe and heavenly Manna out of the Minifterie and other His bided Ordinances ; walke in fafety amongft the creatures like an unconquerable Lyon ThouAalt be in a league with theflonei ofthe field, and thebeafis of the field AA bee at peace with thee : when thou goefl,thygate fall not be firaite ; and when thou mond1, thou Ault notfall: when thoufleepeff, thy fleepe fbaRbefweet ; tho (halt