Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

THE E.P I STL E ____________c.,_,_ __ -- - ---- ----- conraged mee .at this time, to take tbe bold~ neife, to prefent rhis prefent Treatife more immediately, and by fpeciall interefr into your owne hand. And I am the farre better' pleafed ·with my choife; .becaufe I a matter of fin gular comfort, and·fpeciall confeguence, to have an hand in diverting the eye of any, that attends upon earthly Majefl:ie, from too much gazing upon the .outward ilh.t.flrious fplepdou·r, which is wont to glifier in the Courts of great Princes; to the admiration, and embracement of rhe glorious, aJ?.d everlafiing·beauty of the Lord le[ as : "'n ·refpeet whereof, all thefairefi beames of felicitie and joy, which f11ine from the mo.fl orient Imperia:Il Diadems, th:l.t Crowne the face of the Earth, are but a Moate of darkneffe, and Lumpe of vanity. And that for divers reafons ; I. Eirfl:, Such as ftand in the prefence ofmightie Kings, are , or ever !hodd bee, men of ·greatdl: patts, def:pefi undedl:andi"gs, arid moft eminent abilities every Way : WhiCh being happily fan&ified hy a .fruitful! influence from Heaven ; and by the hdpe of :.he Holy Ghofl:, bent to the right epd, and fpent u"Pon the 0 bjeCl:s, they ought ; become glorioufly fervice2ble to the King of Kings; proponionably to their native excellency <J hove .Ordinarie gifis, and tht: vulgar fort'Of {ufficiendes. Great endowments, in what·kind ·faever, guided by a divine hand, in their fxerdfe and :1gitations, doe ever, a great deale of good. To give Infiance, and not ftirre fror:n the