Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

'Part.t. :cap.I4· ~jfljaed·Confciencn. fuch a mans ·head, fnares, fire and brimflone, and an >horrible mnp:ft· · u .• And the prayer~ of the Saints 1 a. The prayers o£ poured out In the b1tterne£fe of their foules vexed pe_r lecuted Sainta-» continually with their malicious cruelties, and cruel! b_rmg pcrlccutors oftmockp, · a~e meanes many times to bring Perfecutors ~~:i:J:~ to untimely to an pntunely end, t-o ·knocke th~m downe before · their tim&; Do not you thiHke, that the faithfuli I ewes at Jernjal~m, hearing of 4ntiochU6 marching towards 'them, like an1evemng Wolfo, to drinke up their bloud, ;had p~fently recourfe unto Gods. righte(}US Throne ·with ftrong cries, to fray his rage? And doe you not 'thinke, that thofe very prayers drew do~ne upon :him that horrible, and incurable plague, whereopou Bee d.Je'd a miferable death in a ftrangfJ (o11ntry in the U"YfoHntaines ? Herod, ror any thing we know, might have lived m.anya faire day longer, ifheehad -dealt fairely with the V'lpofllu of Chriff. But putting one' to thefword, AfJs u.2. and another in prifon, v.4. Hee put the Church tQ their prayers, ver. }. Which prayerS (for there U a certain~ omnipotCf!C) u{ tmayer t £Jl qtteda,;, IYtCU!Jl as Luther was wont to fay) d1d create fUll foone thofe omnipotentia. ' vermine, that eate him up horribly in the height of his pride, ver. 23. The ( k) EccleGafticall ftory reports, k.cum"!~rim(gnfla'!: that the loathfome and dread full end of Arrim, that tlnofolz m ecc~(ue ell · bl ' .r; h :n. ' ·h ft. d b mumou'11 recJfJlendra _ c:xecra e enemy to lt.Jus C Y':J• , was a ene y t(fet .Alert1nder:e·ta i tne ·prayers of tbe goo~ an~ ·or~hodoxe Bilbop ~fex• l<rb;. &piftopU6 » t~t£ ander,who w~afl:led wtth God tnearnen: deprecauons notlemt~mptowofira · againfi: him all the night before. Doe·you not thinke, tU6 o~avtt D~um_, r~t that Garll.iner went fooner into his grave for his cruel- e_cci;r',a.mb pt·.:e(ent~~~- , . ffi f h . h b . l . rtCit~O 1 ti'l!ll'et, 0 - ut! tlle ~owa:ds Profe ours o t . e trnt , y t 1e1r groan~s AYI io bt~fphemiarum . agamfi htm, and by the cry of the bloud of that glon- pruw repufleret. Po.. · ous Paire of Mart;·n- at Oxford, which he fo infatiably fi.ridie Arruu n;ag~.t thtrfl:ed after ? Let all thofe then, that tread in thefe fimur:; caterva_ tn . l bl h . d A i "f b templu dedutlU6, mter mens pat 1S, trem e at t e1r en s. _ m 1 no etter eundu corripitur :hoi·· . - ribiltbU6 vcntris tor- ~~inib1u,la ~ataqut alvo pc~itti latrin,in qua {e~cns :m,'i cun: excrement is efj11dit ]ecur,intefliua, z.mpuramque ammam J~rtttru f cedum,fuaquezmpte tat>e dtgnum\~M- · cap.z~. Bucol. A mo Chrii\:. 33iS. . . E 3 motive /