Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

' . Inftrutlioiu for a r~ght comfortin._tt; Sect x. Aff~dil~g more as · it femes, an Opinion of .:predigious manlil1e{{e; at1d unconquerableneffe in torment; than affeded with ,. theraging paines ofa mofl: terrible exeA r(warioll of the· cutioh. z. In 'others,from a fl:rong,O:irring perfwafion, • ~~neh~:of fo~e civifi a1:1d. ~onfcioufi1e~e .ofthe hone~y, and ho~qur· o! fo~e e~ufe iR whtch theJ ·ctv'tllC~ittfe, for whtch they fufr~r. But forutude m thts futter. cafe, dothnot arife, from any infpired religious vigour ,or heavenly infufions; but from thefeverer ·inf.Hgations of naturall confcience, and acquired manhood of a ;meere me>rall Puritane. Many fuch mora1l.Martyrs . 'have beeHe found amongfl: the more' generous, .anti · well-~red.heath~Jl· . It is froried of a brave and. v.alia1~t 'Captame; wlto11ad long, manfully;and wtth mcredt- . ble cour~eArithfiood D,:onyji'H4 the :elder in-defence .of a City ; that Hee fufrained with fl:rangc patience, .and· 'offpi'ritthe mercileife fury of the Tyrant, and ·all his barbarous cruelties : mofl: unworthy of Him, that fufte!'ed them, but mofl: ·worthy him that inflided the fame. Firft the Tyrant told him ; how the . day hefore, bee hd_ caufe~ hu fontte, ·an~ all hu kj_ns fol.k.!J .to be drown~ d. To whom the Captttine ftqutly ~JUt-flaring Him, anfwered noth'in._(, 'but that they were·more happ] than himfelfe, hy the jpaceof oneday. eAfterwardhee caufed him to be }tripped, ~t'nd by hu executionerJ', to bee tak!n, and drax.g~d ~hroughthe City m~ftignominioujly; cruell.J whipping Him, and c.harging Him hejirfes, with outraJJom and contumeliom JPeeches : · '!All which not- '»'~thftanding, M One no whitdifmai-de, Hee ever jbewer£ a conftant, dnd refolute heart. ~nd 'irith a cheerefu/1, and' bold countenance, Went on jl'ill, lowd!J recoun· ting the' h'onourahle a_nd gloriom caufe of hu death; which WM , tha~ bee 'Would never confent to yeeld hu [ounwf into the 'handi 'of 4 . crkell Tyrant. With fuch ftoutne!Te did even meere morall vertue fl:eele the antient Roman fpirits, th~t in worthy defence of their liberty ,. for prefervati9n of:their Coubtrey, or other fuch 'noble ends; They-hid.iff.:rcntly coi1teirined gold, · filver,