Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

73- Part. t. Cap. I. - A!flitT-ed C onfciences. un{eafonable palliations, I mean~ miC-applications of fome abufed promifes _u~to their unhum~led foul_es , from fome dawbin~ Mm1frers, a generatiOtJ of v t!eft Ezck. r3 rr. men excellent Ideots in the My(lery ofCb~ift, and liad1 9-I 5- ThePromer~ile!fe cut-throats of many miferable; deluded z het u:h:ch telieth /yes. "- h ·h . r t:r: d l H the tazle. 1oulcs, to w om t ey prom11e 0e an peace, w 1en li'z:ck. 13 . 10 ,. there 1s no peace towards, but terrible things even at hand, tumblin~ of garments in bloud, noife of damned Ifaiab 9 5• foules,and tor~entmgin hell for ever; I fay from fuch . falfe and failing grounds as thefe, they .many times in that lafr extremity (the Lord J1ot revealing unto them the unfoundneffe of theirfpirituall efrates, and rottenne!fe of their hopes) demeane themfelves cliearefillly, · and comfortably, as though they were prefently to fet foot into heaven, and to lay hold upon eternalllife; but Gcd hee knowes, without any jufr caufe or true ground. For immediately upon the departure of the {oule · fro_m the body, ilial~ they heare that wofi1ll doome fi·om Chrijh owne mouth, as himfelfe bath told us before-hand, Dejart JYom me; I never k.?:ew M.mb, 7··~>~ you. Such men as thefe, having beene tormerly acquainted with, and exercifed in the outward formes, and complements of Religion, are wont at fuch times. to entertaine their vifitants and by-fl:a-nders, with many goodly fpeeches, -and Scripture-phrat7:s;. repre..: fenting their conttmpt of the world·, willingneffeto~ dye, read ineffe to forgi:(e all the·world, hope to bee fave.:i, de!lre to be diffolved.. and bee in heaven, 6·c.. They may cry aloud with much for111all c0nfidence, M 11 • fc Lord, Lord, open to U! ; mercy, mercy'· i-11 the name of ,h:i~y lVII~g.· crvcl~ Ch· ·rt L d ,r; . !J . . . h. h 1 fl. . ' . . app-titcs a 1 rtH,_ or JeJ UJ recetve op..r ptn-ts, &·c, w lC l'au: their hves, prefume· · . . to thinke, rhanhe fe·· vere Commandcment~ ·of the Ail powerfull God,._ _were'given but in fpo rt ;. and rim the· fhon breath which wed ·aw, when death prelfetb us, if we can butfailiion ir,.to the f.<>und of mercy, is f.Jfficicnt: 0 q1tam multi, fairha reverendF:nher,. cum .hac (pead.ttunos labores & bell"- de(cmdunt ! ~aw!.Tn the Preface to his Hi!l:oryof the World. M any conceit as gre:tt a:ru:fm:acy jn rhcfe five words, Lordhavi mercy upon me,, fpokeA with rhcir la!l: brcar!J,. for their_ ltaflflation of theif Joules imo heaven , as the Papifis doeoftbe ir liv;c; · ' words of canfecration.for the tranfub{lanria• ion of rhcir Holte. Dike. . . . e jacufations,, ~ -