Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part I~ Cap. I). AffliClea Confciencn. fort in fuch cafes, is of no higher firaine, nor fironger temper,' than the morall rdolution of an Heathen, and bead~firong conceit 'of Herefie can reprefent, or reach qntQ. It is otherwife with the true. UJfartyrs of lefm, f];~ine mofr cruelly by that great Whore, the· M0T HE R of HA R. I. 0 T S, drunken with a world of innooent bloud, as with fweet Wine: As weinay fee and feele in that glorious Martyrology of our S.:~i'nts, in themercileife timesof ~eneMa.ry. The ~onfran'r profeffion, and power of our mofhrue, and ever-bleffi:d Religion did create fuch an holy, and humble Majdl:y in their carriages; fuch a deale of heaven, and fober undauntedneffi: in their countenanc~ ; fuch joyfull fpringingif, and ·!pirituall raviJbments in thejr hearts ; fuch gr~ce, apd, powerfqll piercings in their fp~ches ;Juch z~ale, and hearty PJeltings in their prayers, fuch triumphant, and heavenly exultations amid the Bames : that it was more than ma111fefi', both tp heaven ' and earth; to men and Angels, that their caufe; was the cat:J{e of God ;. their Murtherer, that Man of /inne; their bloud, the feed of the Church; their foules, t,he jew~ls of heaven; and th'eir prefent paffage, the right and ready way' to that unfading and mofr_glorious Crowne of Martyrdome. That which in fiaion, was fathered upon Father Campion, was mofl: true of every one of our true Martyrs: • · Tpat every one mtght fay, with heavy heart that flood: 71 H,erc ffie~t~s a Saint, here dyes a Lamhe, here flower the guiltlejfe /;l~ud. Thus you have h~ard,Qpon whatweake pfops and II. Conc!~Gon , of the fandy found:~tions that confi~ence !l:ands, and is built, firfi dottnne. _ which carnall men feeme to lay hold upon with great bravery in times oftrouble,aad difl:reffe. But the comfort which fweetly fprings from that fpirit, I fpeake 0f, fupported, out of fpeciall favou-r, and intereft, by the hand of God, eA/1-fofficient, and the unconquerabl~ F calmneffe ,•