lnflruClions for a right tDmforting Se~.t. ·~-----'-- _, -- - - - . -- --- ------ calmneffe../l a good Confcience i_s grounded upon a . 'R.Jck!; dpon whiCh, though the 'I<.Jtinedefcmds, the floud; come, the l'vindf blow, the tempeO:s beat; yet it / (t) v"ir pi m C:t pericu~ ~ands like Ulfount Zion, hlre, fober, (l:rong, lal.l:ing, - li~ vires majn~es_ collr impregnabb Nay, (a) it is of that heavenly metall, ~et. _ eosn~n~"!u_tt~rr and divine temper, that it ordinarilygathersvigour I p9r;t-s ,non prt!tctpu t~)·- d . 6 . fl h Id a • d .. r!Jr,nonoratzo,nanm-an pm lnce rom ~ ewor sra0 e_, an growestn vidia, non met~,nan fl:rength and refolut10n together with the encreafe of awefator,nonctl!UJ:ni- all unjurt: oppofitions: Perfecuti'ons' and reliO:ance '!tor ,nonbellum aper~t f~rve as a provocation, .and fcafoning ·to it"s fweet..: •nfcrcns non c!andeftt- f'f'. I - c. d f . 11 · · ·· · 11 Lr a. d nM injdias firuens,non ne1~e. - t IS not enwr.ce , orma , artl~~la , a11::«:le ~ in [peciem nefler, non funous, d.e!perate, mtfgrounded~ ambltlous, upon an alienU6,nontl~rum,hoc humour, In the face only, only m hot bloud, out of a tfl, occult tu tyranntU, vain-glorious pang, &c._ Such may be fuund in l'flient, ~'j~q~em r.nun_.cmut;at and- refolute reprobates. It wire nothing worthy, ·if ;ttr ft(,jeoY,umCJJ, ve,u 11. • h 1dl . h. · If · d . 1 · in taloru tud~ jaClcm ur~Dgers mtg t meu e Wlt It _: ., men or ev1 s, or tur, non verbormn tl- the whole world could take it from us ; If it were fitG le~ebrR, non,minte,n~n fl:ained onely by any created power, or armeof fiefh. -dzut~rna . V" .rcpewa This Pearle that I praife and perfwade unto is of an tr:tlsa ({o/1 emmbono- h· } . · 1 · ' r. · d · , h · r~~mpro(c;-iptioniineas, tg 1er pnce, a~1u moretramcep ent po~er, t an any pre~ter m.~ ~naJ ilias unregenerate man can poffibly ~omrafk, or compredivitia&, qu~ i>~ pau- hend. 1 t bath for it's feat, a fanctified S6ule; fo_r the ~er~ ate fit<e{ oJt, ni-?il Fountaine of it's refrefhing,the Spirit of all ~omfort; liwt) no;:abudquzd- for it's foundation the fa\'our ofGod· for it's warrant* puzmal!JCrtttum?aut h ·r~ f ' • hfi'h~+-"'·d ' . ,,-r;. pr<e/enttum, aut mex- t e p~om~~~: o _eA~en, t e au,:pult, an true.":ttneJJe_, pca"twne pnficorum for_ lt s ODJ ·~ct, an tmmortall Lrowne; for 1t s contl• extr1!i't, aut ad'J,~cere nuance, th:: prayers of aH the Sa,ints ;for it'scompa• potutt, ut dete;•orcs nions, inward peace, invinci )le co~age, an holy te- ~~.t:! i;p;;:e7.::/~~~:- CUiity of Dlind:! ; for It's end _an_cj..perfection,fu/n~JJ'e m majores c{Jllcf,'lftt, of J"], a11d plea[ure; at _gods- tifht hand for evermore. 11tque cc,io~·i aaimc~ In a word, thts couragto]lS comfort, and true noblertP~ corttentionein pie. n~ff~ of fpirit, which d \vels in the heart of the truef.1tu fiudt~m & dtfcn- hearted ChriO:ian doth diff~r as much from and as {inm;m 11cub_tmrt~t , ~ . ~ ' fhJ7t[mbdi emm vzm farre fu,rpafits all the groundl,eff;.. confidences of what habek <tt:tmna p;'Q ' . , ch/ifiinomine (ufcepta ,ut 111·denti9res .1mori f.cr:s fubda!, vh i{q .:lf ia animi mag?titudine pr.eJl~titib . u ad(equentia ce;t;;vnin,z qu;.ji a, raboniscujujmodi viwn pr<t·beat, N•a.tan.< )r.tt ~.t· · _ carnall