Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

So Jnftrutlionsfor aright comforting · . _Sect. 1. ' the -very caule of hu he11.rt , and to devoure him lik! 4 Lion. No more than the driefl: fl:ubble can refifl: the fiercdl: flame; the ripe corne, the mowers lbarpelt fythe; or a garment,the moath : no more,~ay infinite- ! y leffe can any p9wer of man or Angdl Wlth~and the mighty Lord ot heaven ~nd eart~, w:hen he IS angry 1?fa!m.39· tl• . for finile; When thou, faith Davtd, wtth re6ukfscorre- +Bedpr~mo~tuztu a~· Cfejf man for iniquiti-e, thou M a * moath makefl: hu fut'da.vtDde~t !t~~~· /;eauty to confome. Alas ! when a poore polluted paratto et c · h r r • 11 ·11 · · b h d ~idenima.fftnehabet wretc , up~n1ome1pecia I umination y t e war , t~ermiculoimmen[4Del or extraordinary H:roke from the rod, qqth once be.. majefi.u,? Re(Pondeo_, gin to behold Gods frowning face againfi: him, in the apt~ff!wde!Javz4em ~u~c pure glaffe of his mo!J; holy Law; and to feele divine ,~ fimz!ztu me fuiffi UJ •-' • n · b · · r:bl 1 d k· 1 f: ut [ciamUd, quamv~ JUu:Ice . y an tr.IVI!I e 1~11 , ta. mg ~~cr:t veng~ance non palam futmin~t,e upon hts co~fcte.nce ; , his heavte heart Immediately crdo DeTM, n!n:aliter melts away 1!1 his bre~fl:, and _6ecomes .t1 water. Hee ~:;:;;;::;u/::;,!: ~=· ~ain~§ · a~d · f<faihl~s, .b.ot~ in tHh~ fibrength ofh his. b 1o~ y, ahdd., b C t ;nea noutnene o IS m111ue~ IS ones, t e Ptl ars, an pro a;, a • n · b f h' hl b I mor:fu panzmm,vellig· maner-ttm er. o IS eart y fa ernac ~' are prefently 1tum abfumit:& fim_~t lrr.ok!n in ·pieces; and 'turh'd Ipto t·cttenne[Je: His fpit't[pic~t-~~exceUmtla, r-it the eye and excel1ertty ,of }?is foule, which lhould\ ~~am tlzcztqu.a[ipb~Dtre illi~hten, -a-nd make lig-btfome the whole man, is q' uite ut7Jecorrumpz,u .t e ._, , • ._, , • . . . . ur infeflTM eft, . {tcNti put out, and ut:terly <:ver:v.heltn d, exce!fe of horpretiofijfimtt6 · qtta(que rour, and Balhes of defpatre. 0 this IS It, wh1ch would pe(lcs,[ll;£ tabecm.ft'cit not onely crulb. the courage of the froutefl: tOnne of tinea. C:alvm.. .. A dam, that ever breath'd upon earth; but even break~ the backe of the mofi gloriou$ Angell,. that d·id e~er ilii11e in heay~n, i110uld heelift up butone.rebelliou~ tho:Jght againfi his Creatour! This alone is able to make the talleib Cedar in Le6anon, the firongell: Oak!_ in· JJafan ;. I meane the highefl: Iooke,and the proudefl: ·heart; the ·moll: boifl:erous N-imrod, . or fwa.ggering , JJelfo~R,~ar, to bow and., bend, to fl:oope and tremble,. M the ledves of the forreft, tbdt are {Wtkfn with the winde, . , =-·Our o#nepunia1· . 2. in all' other adveriltie8,a man is fl:ilt a friend b1~-· i'lg,ou-r fdvc:s~ to h1mfel~,, fav0tirs him:felre,_and reach~s out his belt' · confi-