Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

hear~·-~~-r4~tj~~t~~t-~e rJtir~}.: NQt lind!~g nappfn~lfe ' p})()ti A=~F~~ ·' ~ 1p1g_~F .. tp.ake.:them enqutre after th~t .which, i~_- 1!1, Heaven,·, T~1at crofles and croffing thetr· ;C9Ulf~~; t9ei.nk: f~n~ijieq ~or:th,at p~rt:q~~ · ma,y1~_apJy t1~P:~ tp~ P.Fsa~s !~\~!.\ :fl~<l:.rt~~ - _and 9r11,1g the~~ :f<?,t~'\' l)}~rfeJq>~ftl!P~ ~ ~~~~P :~e _19Mnely. feares,and qP.p9retli · w.ith -alL the craft and ~power, bee can poffibly; lr#lr ~heieu£~11~-they breake o~t of_ his_f~oles-parad* i_t~t<> ~he .:!f1~o/pr pfGrace ~out. of th~ ~a_t~m~ Sunne; · int~ . Gods rbl~!fmg •.. , ..-,, , ,'. , ·.. ;,,' .. · , , ; . ,_ ~ : ~n,tn~~agingt!iis :t#~i~ J?61Jcy~:~or !h~ more (ecure. detatnem:::nt of•q1s vaflals .tn. die lnvtfible chaines.of 4arkene£f~~!14 damn~tio~, ,and' iri an everlaO:ing. 4ifi~ and: · dif-aff:~~ion . tp· th~g~od way,; ~y _holdin_g up _theiC:. · p~~r},~ ffl ~; fi.QfH~ fe~VfC~t.aN4 'o/.Oll~g t~~~n, !-'>' goe.,{)IJ · ql'u!~!i'Ji b'?~a~ds ·h~~- ¥6~~~<Wt any~ gx;q.mbi~n_g. ; . b~ 3-Vorkes,.miml wayes. --1 •.•.... • • ·, •. .. r. Pro?'on:s all ~hy c ; j ·~ •. )j~e. plots ·all ~ecan_ toprcicure' tnemfilcceifc~ iti emcrpnfc:s ag~mfl the1r oW_t~ked enterpnfes, and unlawfull attempts, ef.. others. peci~lYt'-.flg~infr t h~ &i~qfiul.~iniJ.~ers~ .· and, people <;>f ~~~i fur, tha_t~ot~, c,ol?fi~me,.~~r-den~~.n~- en~ (.~,o].lr~ge !heq1 _ 111~ tp~}r cot~rfes.~ :~t~d <?PP~fi"' p~m\ ~o gra~e. Her~ m he\! cloth mat:Y: t~mes ~1ght1ly pr~v~;le~py._ Hp.provtng:the opportumtl~s,_an<f pre.ffing · J~e·.~_g:-)~ll~ag.~s, ytrh,isl~he gaine§) by ·_ the:execl!tions of Qo.~~. JpftJ.t.~'':~ncf ~~gdJi~qs ,qf his fhil~~en. The fins. . ~Y~Jl r?(hl~ . ,o~ne. peopl~ ,~9~· ~:~~n.l: qp1~s ; p~ovo~r · ~?J!s j ·~ j~di~t:tatton ag~tr~~- th~~~:· ar~ e;nfo_rc~s him~­ .to . r~i[e : »P1tp~t~ ady,_~rfan~~· · ~s, if:ourges, a~d to·give . thetJ!Jitccs=fle, .(9r tpe· humll~aq<m, ~nd cha~1femen~ of h~~ d,lp~n •. ; ?~lfol,~_I: . I_ ~,.r,;,. if[a.. 1~,>·A1 ~~· ;£~~ ft ;., ~:9) 20, ~ r W,f~e5.ellpQn . 1S~aqfi~J~ .~1\~. ~~~ts, of ,~b~ ,W1C~~Jt~(o __ -p;;~M11L!n,lg> ~n~<;q_n,g_t;Ieppg; _ W.l~ a g~e~t ~cl~ale. y,r pJltd:e~ . fCJfet~PPrl~u~, mfo~et~~y, c9ntef!lpt of · ;ge_d,l~nefie, felty.cP.ncette.dpeff:e ·<?f: thel~ ow_1_1e rtg~te­ . 14>.U('!}_efl'~. ~pd ~~tfl~ ·;, ~qdfo. Wr.~~I}S,·,~lJSf!l S~traordt~a:" ' ~a:jly>i!~md. holds., tHerreW.l$U much ooftmated refoluuo:l· !nl