Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Sect. 1. 98 J-njl"rHfliolls for~ right comforting 1 ~- ~----------~~~~~~~~~~--~~------~-- - · Gal. S· ,t. Whore-houfes, Gaming-houre~: to May-games, Mor- " Prov.r.4~ r4. . rice-dances, Church-Ales; to Cardes,to Dice,to Dan· (•) ~lrz.&bmcefl, cing ·to Feafis· Wakes,Mif-rules, Drinking-matche-s,. cur ma/114 na~e llbenter ' . . , d' ld f f. h r. fi 11 h B dl fi.t(oi~U nee libertervi· * reve«engJ,an a wor_: o 1UC.. 1m. u aunts, ~ amt~at (ccum, [ed(emper fo:>lenes, -and_ Good-U:Jlow-me~tlllg$-. Where.m Hee· . confo:tia qute_rat & [B· is mightily furthered, by W:icked meps impatieqcy dal't~~. hom{nu vo~up· of folitarindTe ; an4 their enraged eagerneffi: of carryt tJarlo,um,cum qwb~ ino- with them to.hell as many as mayhe. For thefirfr poffit temp~faUere.!ft * rJ. 1_ h d ' · S l r. • h 1. t: · ,c dfr , enim folitaria vita ei T ooug ~:go!J ma,, as i;r ~~on_Ialt , v~~ JatJsre - om pt molefla,partimprop- himft.lfe; dareJull wel~, and\defires full oft~n, to bee a- •e:: rtcor4atione fcele · lone; becaufe the bird of the bofome fings f weetely t() ru: parts?J propter ~e- his (oulein folitarindfe :yet all the fonnes a_nd daughJum panarum : partzm f r. h ·1 fi all ' d' 1 - denich quia [cit, quod ters o . plea,ure, ave no p ea ure·~- , n~y o~ y fecu TJonconfentiat; & are mofi loath to be by ( ~) tlletn1elves. , Sohtantle!foquod COll/cie_ntia cvigi~ putS tlfem i~tO t~eir, dumps, m~kes· them ex:treamely, /atler ~~ _& mgentemCl welancholicke,/.and_ w~ary of-themfel V es. They,would . ~:!~:::~'tf.~c~;I.le~~ rath~~ b~ ·any _where, 1n ~ny company, any wayes emca?.3 can. 6. .§(;tuquil played, than alone. Mlil:ake me not, th9y can walke i;teardcpremitnrmata by. themfeh: es~to feed upon contemplatlvefilth,fpe- 'o'll_(cie~tia) quo'!l_~~o culative_wantorineffe, and adulteries .of the.heart ; to . qul[qrm . ab Jttfwdz~ plot revenge p·rcferment enlargement oftheir efl:ate •· exltdcdamo(ua,a ~tta · · ' ·. ' ' · • • · ' ' ' fumo 11011 ibj fo par itur to renew upon . the1r fenfu~ll· hearts thet r y,o~th~uUh.Lbita;c:{U qui no1z_ha- pleafures_,: &t·•. But. to-be alo~e,, pur,pofel y,to d~ale ~~lth; b t qumu cor. ~ab1ta- God, and theu.· owne confctences,"about thetr fpmtu._. re m cordefur.llbent:r aJl.(b) ,fiatc: -;.they abhorre,_they cannot endure .it is to_, non pnteft• T ale5 for,zs · · . . ' < ~'%c11ntd{eipjis animiintentio~,& de-bu qu.eforu [i11tt circa corpm de,let]t~_ntur,quiciemin nu-· gu, in_(peetaculu,in btxurijs,ill omnibUJ m.diJ qll.ti'Unt · ,~arc forlJ voluerullt fibi bene e[fe? ~ill 1ZfJ'I cfi illi& i1ltrts belle,;mde gr.~:udca.nt in ~onfcienti.i[rui. Au~. in Pfal.1 oi. p.2 SS -(bJ Bettli quigaudmt , !Jitandq intramin cotfitwn, & nihil maii ibi invtiliu;zt. .Attend1l {ai!Ciit.u ve[tra,quiJmodo notint intraredomzu (uaJ.,qlti hllbi:nt·malanocores, qttiJm~do e:xeunt ad[!Yf,.m t& ga~dent;cOlpit h~r1 effe qud intraturi {tent i.,J do num [uim,& cantriJfalltli~.Intraturi funt t1:im ad 1.e-dza , ad mu;vnurn, ad ampritudirter, ad everfomes; ·quia npn eft iotnm compiJjita; Hbi ilJttNimtm & uromn pax nulla e_fl. Et me/iruil/ie~ foru circumfre. Si ergo mi{erj (rmt; qui '"m redettHt ad pari:tesfuos,timeant ne.aliq_,tibtu (uoJ:tlm pertlll'bationibtu C'l-trtaNtu.r ,:: quantofurrt mi[eriores qtli adcanfcimtiam fuam redirt niJlttnt,ne ,ibi (itibr!J pi:tcatar~tm evel'.,._ ta!Jtur? Erg.o ut_pojfis libens redi.Ytad' ai't t~lllfl. , mtmda i/Jttd.-.-A ufer iizdc cupiditatum. {o-rder, aufa tabcm. ll.v.triti~ ;aufe.,. trabam (upcr[titiomtrll;t1u{er focri!eg~a, & malaJ cogit.atio, ne1, 11.dia, nen di :o,adver{iM ar'!jcTJm,_(edetiam advcr[~ inimicum• .:4u{er ijla omn-ia,intracor IHHttt~(!J gat~debu,~&· J\:lgulbnPlil· H• . -... , . • them1