Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

InflruElions for aright comforting Sect. I~ ---- -· - -----···----- Matth.,.'J.1.. And thefivcfoolilh Virgins, M~tth .. 11. When as God knowes they are meere £hangers to the My!lery of Chrifr, and farre enough from any found Humiliation. · · Thus t~e blindnel.fe, fecurity, _fearedneffe,flum.?er~ Selfe-decelt, or fome other fuch dillemper of the Con... fcience conceales, and keepes in,the !Hngs of thofefins in {enfuall men;which withot'lt turning anto the Lord, in truth, while it u dzf!ed To da;, will hereafrer torment ~i!h intoler:able and refrlefi'e terrour thorough all eter~ mtle. 3~ Slnne is in it'sown 3· A third reafon,why thy unlamented, and un.par- ~ clement. doned finnes, tho every one of them be armed wuh a / feverall bloudy and fiery fling, and of their owne n1., ture fo heavte with horrour, that theJ are able to finkc Thee into the bottome ofHell ; doe not as yet frirre, nor preqe upon thy Souk, with the infupportable weight ofdivine vengeance, is this : They are in their native foyle,where they were borne,.bred and brought up, in their owne Element, as they fay: I meane in a carnall heart, foaking in fenfuality, and not rd0lved to be reformed. We fay in Philo[ophy, eAn Element u not heavie in it's o'Wne Place, One Bucket full of water upon the Earth would bee burdenfome to the Backe of that Man, who, were Hee in the bottome of the Sea. would feele no Weight at all from all the water there, though it were threemiles high over His head. A fen.. ftall heart' fetled upon it's lees can beare without fenfe, or complaint, a world of wickedneffe, which out of it's Element and humour, would be crufht into Foo/der., and tremble with horrour upon the fad ap- . pr~enfion of the leafi: finne, efpecially let oult: by Gods juft indignatiqn. While Be/fot~UAr was in His EleJnent, revellirlg and ryoting amongfr His Lords, His Wives, and Hi~ Concubines, drinking winefwaggeringly and ~ contemptuouOy in the golden and filver Veffels of the Temple., liec felt nofouchinpointof con~