.l'art z. Cap.4. . Ajflitled Confl:ien&u• IIJ , certaineiy an extraordinary affillaftt to the fidl: Inventors of it. Now. for pamting fin ne, to make it more plaufible and pa!fa~le, w_e may ~e .more variety of colours., and coufemng tnckes mmd.l:red unto Satan by oudalfe hea.rts~his 4-ge~ts fo~ that purpofe) (") In that ("J 1 meane Di~~~ ~xcellertt dtfco11ery of thew dccettfulnelfe.i· · · ' · difcourfc ot the de.:. , · :But as an old; deformed) .wrinckled, whori!h Hag cc:itfulnc:tfe of M.1ns letting~ out Her felfe with falfe haire, a painred face, heart. _ and .ot~er meritricious atf.!Cled dreffings,- entangl~s (0) .At, inquiuntfs• '\J;lal: 1nfnares the hearts of:(o )~oo~es, and eyes of vam- 'll~neul'!, quid 111ali, p tie '; Whe,~ea_S unclerfl:am}Ing metiJ) and thofe that,have hu artzbSH/pon{umpe/e eyes in ~heir ; heads, idif,cover .in het fo dtGtog and dau- lezero ~ Non pcO~&Itl~ bing, .an'addition of ' a great deale of art'ificiallloath- ;t,!.~~'/:1;~~ vc:r· fomnelfe to.Her naturall foukneffe : So it is in this cafe. Mai~ • • l?" Tht: gri~fly face of finne being daubed over with t~e .Devils painting, arid falfeJu!.l:'re, .carries away1captivo all carnall men,and detaind~n 'afooles-paradife;indeed an hellilh1 prifon~ aworld ofdeluded Ones. ,Yet thofe few .illightened Soules, whofe eyes have beene happi- • .ly opened;by fpirituall Eye-falve, to turne from dark§- . ·~tcf]Q, 'ta light, a.nd from the power of S~ttan unto God, be~ .hold a .double .deformity ·and ~uglineife, . in fo foule a ..monfi:'er deceitfully drdfed, in ·the•Devilscounterfeit colours, .and ,guilded over gari!hly in His perfonated (~ngelit·a/1 glory. · · Ji1. , 3 ~ It is moll: filthy. 'Farre filthier ,than the m9fi: Ll:in- l• Moll 61tby. king ,:confluence of alL the moil: filthy, fulfome, nail:y, ·loathfomethings in the world: And it mull needs bee fQ; For ·whatfoever a Mars canconceivetobecmoft · Con~rary;. diftant and oppofite to the infinite clearenes, · pur~ty,fweetneOC, beauty, and g.oodheffe of God; all (P) t.Pct. ~.u. ,th~t) and much more. is ·finne in the highefl: degree. (q_J R~m. 3· •J· . . Hence·it.1s that in the Scriptures,tt is compared to the ~~11ti1t "d h~m~em, er h' 11. '( )' • h" h "Ill d' fJMI tetru,. anhebtum 1ut . lCu; P myr-e; , tn w , tc a Sow Wl ye own~ toes ,0rrupth (pirat ex- . coole, and cover her felfe : ·To theloathfom~ vomzte, th;& ad callaver quod not of aman, but of a Dogge: ( CJ) To the untlVourie e~ [epu!c~ro il'Zto!era· _ ' poyfon~ll.dampc, whi<:h rotten Cariafes exhale out of~lem Jt_r.rat 11dorem. · ~ H 3 ~ened uc. ·