Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Pa:rt.z. Cap.+ eAjflilled Conftimttr. of the Houft: Levit. 14.37~ &c. PofterifJ.~ King. s.27. The firfl fmnc that ever the Sun faw•was fo pregnant with Sott!e-killing poyfon that it bath already dam., nably polluted all the Sonnes.and_Daughters of ~dam, that wer:e,eyer fince; and ~tll H1ll ~y the. ~nre!J~able . {ltength of thefcu:necontag1~n, empoyfonall thetr na.. tures, to the Worlds end. Nay.?atthevery firft braa.. · king out, it fuddenly. blafred, as 1t were, both Heaven md Earth : And fo fi:aine4 the beauty of the one, the ·brightneffe of the other,and .~he originall,or~ent,new· .. . ly burnilht glory ofthe (c) wh, /e Creation; that from (c) ~d~ ~ ~t.7!o-'f ' that houre, it bath groaned under the burden of that 1111~,"~' l!1 C.UJJIIil"'. vanitY. an<l ?eformity I t<? which this ~rfi: fi~ne bath s'::npti&i~ eft Nlr6.4 made 1t fubjetl; and will { d) travel/ :n pame under tilff de univet·sfmunt.IJ tbe 6on1,age Cif the fame ctJrruption,. untilllt be purged "'!'chi!'a,&rtktUn,·~-. .. by,fire mthe great Day 4 the Lord. If but one finne ~~~~ et~am brutu & m.. bee d~ted upon deliryhtfully' and impenitently likc.a ammf& acc1perc~ put~ ' • 0 ~ h . d ' h Aftru,E.lementu,tm·• · lumpe of Leaven, 1t fo~res all t e Soule, efiles. t e frutiibsu, & qu~c1111• whole Man,and every thmg,that proceeds from Hun: que tifi!JtUhominispr~ His thoughts, defires, affetHons, words, aCtions, and mitiis foerunt a Z?e• ~- that of all forts; naturall, civill, recreative, religious. de!linata_ -Hom.o epfo It doth not only unhallow his meat, drinke, carriage; pr.eft~ntif!mJ_a .matum . b . r.ll" . . l d. d ll h. h ra qulde[t,nifitpfiJiima His uymg, 1e mg, g1vmg, en mg, an a lS o~ er vanit:u,abjttisu ii det~, - miferijs, mtJrbis,morti, 0o itlf 'Dei obnorit/4 i (~!um 11tbu/is t!Jo nubibiMfJbducitUI' : .A!lrit fu71ii11e{.epc de{idunt :ii11 flu• entijs fou maligne a.lficitent aerem, & corpora inferior a, & ad corruptiimem d~!pommt. .A er f.epe fit peflilens.; modo rigetftigorc ,modo .eflibsu ardet,modo pluvijs continua tm·am opprimit1 terr.e .naf'intia t.edit e':1- vanitattm quafideplorat.---Tcrra imvrobo labore {at.igata he~·b.u, [fuCl~U noxios au{ caducos vix priJdJJcit; (lcrilitate (.epius quiim jertilitate culturr. m & JP em c&lmorum tludit. Animantitz omni1 gc•ed.rcoi)'Uptibilia humaiJis ujib~U q11otidi' genet·antur, fatigatltt~r, iRtertUi'lt .i multa ve~cnata.& nozia hominem infeftant,cum priits omnia fobdita., €'7-[atutaria ei[11i{Jent. Nee pofirem& pars vanitat~ creatur..e efl, quodferoire impi-omm abufi• lm-1 cogitHr. S4lluce.t fceleratis:. terre nafientia,metalla, vina,fr!fges, amt'iti011i, avariti.e, &rapu/.t ,{ecuritati,[~tviti.e.rdo!alatri~t ,impietati & f'crditioni~ Par. Creatuta (ubjetla eft va• 11i!ati: ~c.~denti bomine! quem c~11flitu,erat Domin~ Daminum Dommfit.e & principem om- ~, nu poffe[Jio»M /lltt,tota fi!J1~/hlfrcdtMHarmpta c{l. lnde dirJpmperat'"" aer, terra In IJ;etibw,s .Ade mateditla, & omni.1 fiJM·ta vanit-ati::. N~ {ane reparabitur-b.eltdittU donee reparentJW ll.t1<edt11. Ben1. ( d) ~ l)ct. 3 1 o. I x.