Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Jnftrutlions for A right comforting c~)'l'he Wfl)'oft?ewjc ( ~) dealings in the w~rtd," even His plowing ; --The·- ~td u an abommatlon p/owing of the wicktd u fin, Prov; 21. 4• But alfo turnes ~~~:efo~f;~o~;! ~· al~ his ( fJ fpir~tuall feryices, ~n~ divine!l: duties; rzum hf!i114 'PriiVt~ H1s ~rayer, hear:ng~readlng, rece1vmg.the Sacram~nt, ht#lc effe ~ ~odque ()-c. m to abhommattbn. Ifbut one ragtng corruptiOn, 'lleftigi,~m, & umms- in a 1:finifrer, Magifl:rate, Mafier ofa Fat?i!Y; as lying, 4 f:tmqbucpede~, qu;:n fweanng, filthy talkmg, koffing at Rehg1on, oppofi- ~mpro ~ ponzt Jeu • · rJ: S bb h b k' h fi;Jumq~todquc !p~ , tion _to godltn~1~e, a at ... rea tng, an. umour of quod cxercet, five eo- Good-fcllowlhtp, ?r t~e l1k::, reprele~t Itfelfe to the ~oitando,five loquct~do, eye of the World, m his ordmary carnage; and hang fel! elemque fiwe'!do m out as rotten fruit in the fight ofthe Sun ; it is wont bu qu.e adproxzmum l': full · c .a. tr db · · fi · reftruntilr, 'Deo eze 1eare Y, to tme~.;[ or ou-cn y a. contagw~s 111 ~~uat1.., ~rabile effo. Ca:·tro on, and lll.examp.le, all about H~m; to dtffufe Its ve- (f) The sa(riftcc of the nome to His Fanuly,amongfl: Hts Sons, and Serva11ts.- ~icted iJ an abomina- over the Pariih where He lives, all compa-nies where · twJtutheLm·d~~ Pro. Becomes thewholeCountryround about eipecially If.8.1nM :l t(Sacr.·- 'f b ' f . -· d l · .a ficium) eft Jynecdocbe 1, l:'fe e ~ Ma~ o emtnency aQ - p ace. . .-. . partis [Jro cult~~ Dei. ; • (g) It IS extremely Ill. A farre greater 111, than Grave efl ,(i 'IJanU>J fit the eternaU damnation of a Man. For when Heehath impiorum~J!ftt14., tJ:~c lien many millions of yeeres in the Lake of fire and 15• 9· s~ DeJM .a~< m h d · -- h fc dd h · ' • '- improbat;(ed grawu fi under t e om1~1on <;>f t e ccon . eat ·; He lS never _ odiohabtatfld gravif the nearer to fausfaCl:ton for fi11ne. Not -all thofe Hel"' firnlt, ji ilium non odio lilh flames thoro~ all eternitie, can poffibly expiatt: habea.t mud~,(ed~t1am the {l:aine, or extingui~1 the fring of the Ieafr 0nne.. abo':!metrer.gra-v'ffimo Nay the very defrruthon of all the creatures ln the vero gM-veru &attoct !) • Ud eft, quod illi an-o-rhi - world;ofM:en and Angds,He~ven ar:d earth,ts agreat ttationijit;& itJi1 fum. dealc lefie tll, than to off~nd God With the leaft tranC. Tmabom_rnetur. ! greffion ofHis la wes. For all the creatures often thouumdtew, o.mncm~gr~- !and worlds :were they all extant come infinitely 'iJll{.j & ICCfbUbla/tqmd • ) llo f. h r' h bl d lircemlr~ditum prttclll- .fhort 111 exce .. ncy o wort , o t e Hearts- ou fit, .Carrro. of_ Iefr-u Chri!1. And yet Without the effUfion. of it, n0c r- Mofi ill. (g) I undct{hnd ill in a gene r~l! notion, and not a~ refir~ined unto, or telidem in any fi;e• ces. And l know, that dn•ifio malt iit malttm tu'f'<e & mal!< mpctntt, i~not ge,mi5 1mivo~ii11. ./pecies; bat -vocabuli .eqtth. ·~i m fua &r;tei[ncata. C 11/pa ha/Jet plt~n r:t ratione m.~/i,quii.m pa:na. ·tit lion fub'tm rptdm pw11a fer;ft!Ji(, ~ qu!C conjift1t in privationc corparCfl:um bonorum -fed tti.un univcr{altter accit:iendopct:1am ,fe•undum quodprivati'o gt.ttie,-lJet'g/Qrilll,paM« qu.edam fr~,u- Aqum.p.I. q ,S.:\rt.6. ., ft .-. finne