Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part.2. Cap. 4· · ', 4Jfiieled (onfciemes; . . tber Torigue can teJt, ot1 heant.can thinke~· L~afr oi which is farre worre than all the plagues of .£gypt; ~. Externafl. Sed,c.ut._ 28.. 1 ~. &c. · 3"·· £ternal/•. See z. . :xter~fl• -my'fl~t_thilig~., ·,, . , . . i :, _ ·.,~ :' 3· rcrna · · -3- By rt s pe~tlent d(l.mmng'Pf:0pettJ: and,poyfo!l,tt ,. Turning all goodi turnes Heaven mtO Hell~ .-Angels tntO' Drvels,_ LrfeJ.nto>mto,allevJm death, Light into 'darkneife ,fight into·blindnefle,;faith· into diftrult, hope inte defpaire, L_ove into hate,bumi..- lity int? pri?e, mercr in~o c~uelty, ~~curity i~to !<:are,. Jiberty .m to Bondage, health mto· fi~Rneife, plenty mto -(Catcenem:~ a 'Garden·of'Edenintoa--deioiateWilderndfe,.a fruitfdll Iiai1d into bartenneffe, Peace into war,. -quietn~e into.contention, <J!>edieqee in~o iebell~on, .. Order mto·c<>nfilf.ioo,-vertues l~toviecs,pleffings mto: , ·'· . ·curres, ~&c. In ·.a \voFd, altkihd .oftempo~;all,and e.tet.. y. • ••. v. ·nall fdicities, and bliif~, ititoall kinds ofm'ikdes,: ~nd·?''l, .;.· · ; ·' ., • woe. · ~ .. · · ~.· ~ ·· \' · ~-..:..... ,,, ·'~~. \ , ~ 7· What hear.t, except it beaU A.cfama~t,~nd tlJr!l:d ~h!:ai~ll ~e t~d · ~lnto a Rock of flrnt, but poffi:ffing lt felfe Wlth reelmg. VC An ca_r . -thoughts,and~ afenfible .apprehen[ion.of ~e.incofnpre· ,, . hentiblegreatnelle,- exeellency and dreadfulriefiepf the . •'•! .. ~ighty.:Lordoflhoa~e~a:nd' 110~ ttrcmblc ~ . ') -1 .,. . 1 and be firangely con~ounded to tranfgre£fe·a~d breakc· .J , , ; ~ • , •• rl <. any one branch of H1s ·bl~ffed Lawes,,.efpeclaUyput- .. . ; · ·; .. pofety,and:withpleafure·; o~ to fir_me.·againfl: H~m wil- ~.. (... :m • ..., -, · tingly ~ but iR , the·leafl;.ungodl~.thought? ·,.Foralll_S; !t }' !•v;:. l~( ~, " 1 Who ar~· thou, , that lifteft up .thy pt<'>U.d heart, o.t~whel-~ '::·~. · :·_ ·• · . . teil: thy. p~opha·ne to'ngue; .or -bendeil: .•thy rebellious- .· · '1 i;·:.""'. · ; . : -c:~mrfe agarnft {uch a Majefry ?· Thou tart the', vllcll-. . :. ,, . . ·wretch that ever ~od· made, next Qnto·tbe Devill,.antt· ·, · " · 1 :his pamned Angels.; :at baie,. Worme: · .,.: ' ·.of the Earth, .' llOt-\vor~by. toli,ke. the.dufl,., that.lyeth · t 1 , :r'l (' · _- under ·His feete ;. A mol.t' we:akcr and frail~creatur~. · ... .::.· ·: , :' 1 ·Earth;.afhes,.or any thing that iS. naught; the drc:ame. ~f<\4}ladow,, the·vcry :PiCture of charige,.worfethan ' v.anit~, :kfi~ than nothing ; i ·Who, when~ th}fbreath is, ·g()ne;,. w.htch. may . falt QLl~ many, ·riAJes in,, · thou; , , '· r