Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

.. • 1: ~6 Injl'r~tlionsfor. a rig lit comforting from ,them in.tne heat of temptation ; yet in His tea•. fons, . to k'rve his.owne turne,.He-fets- them on with a. vengeance.. . J·s.That·which brings . . 12. Compare the va!t, and invaluable ditErence_;. a,great difterence in- betweetie Y,eelding to the entifement J am{ conqucri~g to ~he beam ?f tbo(c the.temptatjon to finne. For which purpofe looke.up-- wht,b are gullcy of tt T ,c. h .J · · 'd f· G d d ' ·e fromothcra. on .I.Oj'ep anu Dav1 , _two o o s. eardbervants. And confider theconfequcmts : .what a.deale of honour · . and. comfort did afterward crowne the. head, and the t~) Pfalm. !t' 3, My heart of ·And what horriblemifchieres-and ·ftllne id ewr before me. mileries fellupon the famitie; and ('u )'griOy horrours- ·(6"s le) 5.::ct~ , 1~eol~~f up':>n·.the,. conl<:ience of the other. Survay alfo tae dia il&lw• a. -a •• w'' ·fl. · .a.~ ( .) S · f r: 1 • • 1 d F: containing. tha Scory n.xn~, x. tortes o ';la':acJm.CarAcc.o,us_,. an ranof'Hisadmir-ablecon; ~iftm Sf1ra, than whtcltltn then:feverall ku~des,there vcrfion. from P~pcry, IS nothing ~eft to-the manorf.ofthelatter ttmc:s more: a~d his forfakmg of remarkable;: And~· yea·!hall finde in them as -great a Hts> Marquefdoms d"£ b · · d H' ll · fout1e _GofpelsfOJ~t : . Iu.:rence; as·- et~vc:e~e ~n-; Heaven an e ·- upon:· wriuen,fidtlnltatian, earth.. The ·one wtth£l:aHdtng unconquerably vanety tr ~nfhtcd i~ro. L!ltmc of·mighty ertti!emcnts· to ;renounce the. Gof~ell of le-- by Be:ta;:mdm to .!ng-[1:4 Chrij1; and. returue to .Pop_ery,.., bdides the fweet 'f ;r ra~f;affi.a:; peace ofHisSoult, attain~d 'that.h9nour-in the Church F~nc~fc~ spi:;: !et ot:God~ that He iS infome meafure (r) para~le_l~ even out-by fev.c~aU men; Wlth c.A!()fu, and recolt!:nended to the admtratlon of , illl2d t~jlfintit,~l~d ~Y Pofr~ity by the Pen 0fthat g~eatand incomparable the ~·~!rew1f'' sp~- glory:.of. the:Chrifliin World' blefi'ed (1) Calviit. Th~ · rte Cruuat!Jlam ~bfJrre- · h· . d b b ' · · . · ti~UG-a{~,qu~obneg~ ot er ·conq~e 'Y an ?n· appy temptat~o~~ to turne • ta11! in Jlidiczo; co~m· . the .Truth of.Goa and our. tru~.-R~ltgton , to the t.Am _R..u~nge!y v_m:a- ~ynage>gae 9f-Saran, an~ abhGlmtnattons of: the [car_ let . . UtJHn m_i{eram mczdztWhore, . befi~es . the ragi_ng and defperate CGnfilfion bee · · · tlefi;er.a,tzo~tm·(Y) See,brouglit upon Hisowrilhirit ·becamefllCh a ftpedacle c~'ltjl;aw ~n Hts r:- . .,. . ·. 't' . ' • .. cond ~edicatory Ep•- t~ the eye of Chnfl:endo~, , as ..hatl.l beene hardly · file before the Booke heard of;.. · · · · · (z) C~/,v : ln HiilJcdi- . ' . ' . . , . . . · . , · c~tory EpHUe bef~rcHisCornmcnt~ry upon th~ 6rll to theCorinthian~~ No11 celantlum eft, '' Hominem pli'11ar/~ familM. natum, hlm11rt; & opihtu fiorentem,mbi~ijffiitJ & 'afltfJi'1Ja ~ex ore, •tliWJero(a (D i,o!e, dofn#ili&a quiete,'& tontfJrdiay totoque vit~e flatlllie.1-r;,m u!tro, ut in chrip '-£iiftra mitrf~et, pat1a tef!iffe-; ~itio'nempi-t_illm, (!J' am~11am, {au.tutn patrimotf-;'tm,co~mo­ . Rim· non mmrM, qu11m 1lolttptuo(am babJtntjlli'letn neglextffe : exuip--Jj;t<ndllfCm d()mefhclllH, P..;~t'r!f:1~oli]zlthliberu,c~;.'!,ati-s'a!Ji.l# . limfiftprhi4J[e, &.~ • . · · · ' ·· · · ·C ·. , . . _E ~.: Qllt~ - .'