Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

InftrutliDns for aright comfort~ng - · Se~:i. - -'---·-- ----- ~------ -- ----~ - - ---- bid ; fuppofe tho~ feeO: Jef 111 Chrlj?-comming towards - Thee, as Hee lay in the arme~ of Iofoph of eArimllthea,. newly take9 downe from the Croife, wofi1lly wounD ded, wanne_and pale; His Body all gore-bloud; thcr beauty of His bleffcd and heavenly face, darkened an<! disfigured by the llroke of death ; fpeaking thus unto-· Thee : Oh t Go not forward upon any term~s, Coin.. mit not this finne by any meanes•. It was this, . ~nd the - . . like; that drew me downe out of the (') armes ofmy . v~) 1f/.n~e /?e3lfltt~ Father,. from the fulneffe of joy, ~nd Fountaine of all: eumeJJttmJmu a r...,bl··rc his -. 'b1...- d ~:c, bl a 1'1... ~re alibus fedibus,pro lue; to put on! corrupt! ~an nw;;ra · .e uem; ani~a dcftendit, ut e· to hunger and th1rf1 ;- to watch ~nd pray ;: to·groane am_libe~mtii. pote~ate and ~gh.: to off.:rup flrong ~riesang' teares t9 the Fae "D_ta_botz? §!!!am cu: ther in t~e dayes of m~ fle(b : To dqnke th~ dr~gs ~~t!c~;.:;~ft~~u: /am of the b1tter cup ~f H1s fie~ce wrat~ ;.to wraflte Wlth~ j-am£1 dttmonibru tra- all the forces ofmrernall pow~s ;. to-lay dowqe my dendam, utmorteper l'ife in the gates of Hell,.with intolerable, and, fave by pe.tua daf!Jn~rctur,fle· my felfe, .unconquerablepaine: and th!-iS now t0lie in: 1.ntfupen_IJam,qtu! fle the ari:nes of this mortal!. Man ._all torneand rent in re {e nefobat. Nee {o- • • h' '· . ro · · · ' ~th n: h lt~ rn flcvit, fed etiam p1ec_es Wlt . cruelty and 1p1te-, as ou ~u.~ Vf at an. ~gccidi fo permifit , ut ~ea:rr hafr thou, that dareil: goe on, agamO:. .th~s dear~ wctiofo fo.nguin_is · fui entreaty of lefus Chrifl:. . precio eam . ,.:~meret~ , · . · 1 ~). When ~hou ar~ u~happ~ly moved·, toht:~a~~ Bern. de dtg are ~ any branch of g ad• 1 bleffd La w~l'e't the excellency and. ntmz. . f · · b · c 1 . 1~. A~ainfl: G 0ns vanety o H1s tncornpara le tn~rctes come. pre1ent Y· tnercie's which thou into thy minde : a mofr ingenu0uS fweetand mighty ' nafr tafied. of ,, ~nJ motive, to hinder and hoJd'off all gracious hearts from- ~hat. fti:me. How is it poffible,.but a feriou.s furvay of the •' riches of GodJ goodnef[e, for-h_earanr:e, ana ~ong fujfering_ tea.~~ng_ t-hee ~o~ repent.ance, to more for~ardr:ef.Te and . fi·u1tfhlnelfe 111 the good W "..Y : The pubhke m1ractles of mercy,which '3cd 'Qath done in our d~yes,for the preiervation•of the Gofpell, this .kingdome,our felves,and.. our poH:erit y, ~{P,,l y, d_r_qW,nii1g the Spani!h invin·- L'ib!e A:ma~o, 4'ifcovering, and defeating the Pow~er.­ plot, lb1eldmg ~ene Eliz.abeth, the mofl: glonous P.r.ince[~ of the world, from g. world ·of Anti<:hrifHan , · cru.; '