Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Sect. I. J30 Inflrufiions for: t1 right comforti?tg ---...;....------.:-- - --- -~- ·-::--::-:----:-~__,.--_--~- joye~ ofHeaven,the lo!feof thine in:mot:tall Soule,thc preuous bloud of Chnfr, &c. 1\nd In the other, fome rotten pleafare, earthly pelfe, worldly preferment,- fleihly luft, fenfuall vanity : and fuff.:rs this.(prodigious tnadnefk 1 Be aftonijhed, 0 )CC HeavenJ·.at thil, ~ntl In horribly afraid ! ) to out-weigh all thore. Th h'th w'll 17. Vpon the firfr af.lault o£ev.ery finne, fay thus Yn· ~!nme:dc~r;. 1 to thy felfe : If I now y4:eld, andcommitthis finne, I {hall either repent, or not rep~nt: .If I doe n~t repent, ~ I am undone; Ifl doeTepent,u wlllcofl: me mcomparably, more hearts-griefe,thanthe pleafureof thefinne · is wotth. JS. That for which 18. Confider, that for-that very fin, to which thou mllny millior.s are lll~ art now tempted, {uppofe !Jing, /uff, over-r(aching thJ "' ready damned. . BrDther, &c. many millions are already damned, anti ~e~el~z.r. 8 • ·even now burning in Hell. And when thy foot is .upon 1 ~4:r.::6. · thebrinke;fray,a~d think upon !by wages. And know· for a truth, tha.t tf thou fallefr Into that finne, thQU art fallen into Hell, it God helpe not out, tg.That which will be 19. Never bee the bolder to give way Un('o any _ made knowne. wickednefi'e; to exercife thy heart with covetoufneffl!, . · crHeltyJambition,revenge,adulteries, fpeculative wantonneffe, felfe-uncleanneife,,or any other folitaryfinful... nelfe; becaufe thou art alone,.and no m~rtall eye lookes upon ·Thee. For if thi1Je he11rt condep;ne fhee, God u ' :greater: tiJ~ thy-heart, anri k.._140WCth Ill/ t-hirJ,{S f apd Will condemne thee much more. ·If thy con~ience, oc.; as a _thoufand witn~ffes; God, the Lord ofthy con• · /Cience,-wi.U be more·d1·an amillion of w:-itneffes, .And thou mayeQ bee a{furc:d, Howf~ver thgu bl~ife~ thy felfc: in thy fec.recy,thatwhat.!inne foever; is:tWW act~ .cd in ~he: v~ry r.:etyre9~ corner of thine.heart, .or ·any waies ~fr folitarily by thy felfc: ;.though lnthemeane ~ ('<~)Iiziquitates tu..t om- tiQle it be concealed, and lye·hid in as-great dar~ne~, nibu-.s populk~JildabJm as it was committed,untill that lafr,.and Day, yet · t1w ,& cunEiu agmin:- then·. it muO: mofr certainely (d}out with awitneffe ,. bUd pattbii1Jt) univer(a , , ~ . . . ·. · · • " ficlera wa, non fu!Hm r:tlur~m#. 'l;triim &.or)tatiqn~m 0:: (Dtutio'!Uitn• Bern. Jili, dc:,C.Onf. and._