, Part. 2. Ca~. S'. AffliEled l f»1ftitnfer. r 3l and bee as legible on thy forehead, as if it were writ '-- with the bri.ghtell: Sunne-beame upon a Wall ofChri- . fiall. Thou lhalt then in the face of Heaven and Earth, be laid out in thy colours2and *without c~nfej]ing and" Prov. ,8.rf. . . • forfokJ.ng, while it u c~tl!ed to 'D ~ 11 be before , (e) Angels, ~2!~'ft:.Sp:"~'. '~~"'' Men,and Divels,utterly, unhJCrfally ,and everlalHngly dia in confpe;:r~:::. fuamed and confounded. · _ . · - ~u,.ani ge~eru, Ange4 ' 20. Confider the'refolute refifl:ance, and mortified loi'l~m tJmm!tm. Ar&fl• .. refolutions againll: finne, and all entifements thereun- ang~ltJT'b"fftfJs'b 0?'fihund.h e,·. f h h f h G _r. ll d"d 10. at W IC 0 'f . t-oo ~~ny, ~pon w om, t e Sunne o t e . uape 1 · men have refiftCd not fume w1th fuch beauty and fiilndfe, as tt dqth up- with a wondertWlrc:-. on -USi neither were fo many heavenly difcoveries in folution. · the ·kingdome of Chrift, made knowne unto them, as our dayes have feene. ( For upon our times, which makes our finnes a great deale more finfilll , bath happily fallen, an admirable confluence of the faving light and learning~ experience, and excellency of all former Ages, befides the extraordinary additions of the prefent; which with a glorious Noonetide of unitedjllue minations doth abundantly ferve our turne, for a con- . tinued fhrther and fuller illufl:ration of the great m;{ferie of godlinef{e , and Se-crets of fanCl:i~cati0n. ) Heare . (f) Chryfo flame, 'But I think! thm , and this will I ever (f) e,~0 fie unfoo,fic af~ h h · · h 1. • ,t:r. 1 Ch . a h firlue pr£dr cabo, multi) preac , t at ~tu muc .'"ttterer, to o11 erJ(;j rl)•,. t an to rm rbius e(fe, ct.r:ftum ll_e tormented m the patneJ of Hell, Hee that wntes the offi ndm,qruimGehenltke of eAnfclme, (g) faith thus ofHim; He feared no- 11~ ma f/5 ve vari. I11 thimr in the world more, than to jirme. ~ cmfcience ;vtar._9_Hom-17• ' 1- ~ ·• df'. 1 F h ~+. .,_ d ,g)Nrlu:mmtdo quanvearmgmew;tnejJe, Iey~not; orwet avecJtmvear t p e·'. b H . ,f:. ,rf'. . 1 _ ;:r: h h d R 1 um eccar.t, :me at. zm pr{J_JeJJe: Tnat '.J on t e one ~tn , e fhoul~ fee cor- con[cientia mea teflc porally, the horrour of finne ; on the other the p11i ;m of non mmtior; quia f,gp; Hell; and muft necej[arilJ beep!Hngedinto the one, Hee i iiU (ilbvet it .ttu teftiwo:Hld ch~t[e Hell r~ttber than finne. u1nd another thi m_o~ID pro{lt e~l tltm ~·~~· v n<cr dH;Imu-s :f0! od ft hm~ f/ 'Jo no kffe perhnps wondtrfull to {o1m, Hee was wont pcccati baf''l ore'11.; binc · , .. h fti·ni dnt n m torpD· - ralltcr cernnet, & nect{f'ario unie1rum immergi tltbtret , priiis :nfernum, q:((im pw:atum 11ppeteret. lliiud quoque no11 ~ini4s fo.r(an aliquilnu tnirum d 'A, crefoJc~:; t; videli, f t, ma fle ~ p11rum a jJU Citl, innowuem, geben!la11l ba/Jere; quam ~t&CaJ i (orde~poflutHI1J', ~~/or~;m T'tl,rl.t. tenere. De vita Anfc:lmi.Jib, a. Inoper. A 1relmi. · I 4 · to