Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

.Part I. Cap.t. .AJ!litled Confi:iencn• I confequence in.any Min~iail p~ffages, to prefer the bloud of Chrift, and promt e ofhfe to an unwounded confcience, as belonging unto 1 as yet. It is theonlv ri"'"ht everlal.hng Method to tune men from dark§neffe to 51ight, from the power of Satan unto God: and all the Men of God and matter-builders, who have ever fct themfelves fincercly to ferve God ir:J their Minillery, and to {avC~-Sol}leS, have followed the fame courfe ; to wit F irl.l:, to wound by the Law, and then to heale by the 'q11jpell. Wee mul.l: bee humbledin the fight of ihe Lor~; ~efore~e.liftmue,Iam ..4. xo•. yvemufrbefenftble of our fpmt~all bllndneile, capt1vtty,poverty;be.- fore we: can heartlly-feeke tobe favmgly Ilhghtned,en- , larged from the Devils Oavery, and enriched w.ith ~ . . . gra~e. There ·f:lluli be fenfe of mllery, before fhewmg G~d ~~):~;h!~ce of of m~rcy ; Crymg, ~am uncleane, Jam r-mc:ean:_, before • ~·The office of GOd opemng the Foemtame for uncleannejfe ; {hngtng, be- the Snnne. fore curing by the Brafen Serpent ;, fmart for fin ne, be- (• J rve utraqJt_c apertifure a Plaif.l:er ofChrifl:s bloud ;. brokenneffe of hearJ, one o~ulorum mt~tlrgab L b" d" . * G 1b·· F: le;. (a)· d h . tur htc !ocm: Pnmum: e~ore 111 ~ng up. · ~" .1m1e re opene t de , 11 _1 fientiii & (cnfll· ~f ~>Ur firfr Parents_,. to make themp:e and be ·~~fible ofmteriue.nuditatis, hoc thctr finne and m1fery ; nake~neife .a~d !ha~e, _&c. e!l ~· a11fi~ imff)nis (jm. 3· 7· (b) Before l-ie protmfc:d C11rijl, (~).ver. Is; 'Del, & * /'hri a JefHJ tels us, ·that he was anointed by the I'.wd.; mcntec~tmatu, M v~ · ' (.,I • . 'J• J J· ' ' • B . ·ho ?: T . 1. ' r· -/ur,tat~ aver{ionu, ~K to pr:each gooa_.t]atnf/. ~lt ta'W UJ . .. .o.. t 1e _p~ot:r., " Ofen(ualltate·& motibw ' . .. ' ' ' . ' '· •. ' l ,.._ ~ . J • • • . . . • ,. - '. · . :) "\·; .. ' •. . , ·. '"!ernMomt.llnoi-epra:. 'lJttatu & t:LTtt.~r~ Detnde, de afPr.llu etziMexurn# lfuditatu,([IJJt prm~ fuerat.decora &c ·· $tatim alldivmmt voctm 'Dei,boc·en ,ftaiim hi~c'trift_il 'CIJi,itatio dive •avit.eotum animos;Ht;, IJJJi1fecim"'? ~rborem v~titam guf!avim~ ;& Dc.i f"'lfceptztmco-trtmpfimtt4,TJi_abolotJbletn/1e,. ra·w!Z'" ~ t.urp;ter decept1 fumU5 ~ P~~~w !nJH!ferW<tti_f!'lf111_114,,['utitnd~m ~ucfitatem~n nubu, a:mm~: H?c pa_rum_ eft: _D~U5 "l..ei'a~·P; JUfJ.m/ft = · 1~z1t:. ;vtor~cm<?.nemJm :: "!anet igitur· ~ifo:o~, Jllm I?Jt.vltllbzle mortufupp/;cn:,m•. . Par.. m~· ~·~f": (!>) Con~z~11_em J,r~tz.e-feu 'lltni..e. omn;11o pr.ecef}it legatu ten'ltiltzo,&fulme•me drwttt'-fqrrod-zmmutabi!ztirflqu}tr~r pcccatu'll . · & qHo mce[Jeea p~ccatortm hHmiliari, & ad gratiam prtfparar i. De hac{cq{litur. v. tf .lbi/. (~~ ' Hac ~romif!iane aydita P,~revtcs pNdcfMli a[pEllM turf1ffim~t_ n.udi.tatiJ [u_.e, .f::l': cc.n{cientJa ptccatl, atque (en[u me De.t, ·nee non metu tntrn~t,morw, tt'epzdJ, atqut·dtJellz;hartd dubie ncrum crdl.i runt·, ut concept a {iducU gratit!, ·& r.trnif/io~u peccat~rumpropter f>'o,i[[!tm, Semen, (quedcaput s~~~n.e, hoc eft,. ~ecc~t•m,_. mertem, ln{e~"llll_m& Dltlbafum zpfiim eo~~ tereret) De14m,1qt1em PfZUS fogerant._.Jit JUdl.cem am.1re. znclpmnt·) ,lltq~e, ''C.<J.uir.ertl)t.;. . ut. 'Patrt.m.lbid.: · · - · die:·