Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part.x. Cap. 1: . followes, ver. I 8. (ome no:w and/et H4 reafon together;" faith the Lord: . Though your. JinneJ 6e 44 fcarlct, they fonJl be white, M [now; though they be red lik.f crimfo-; they fo;d/ 6ee M woof!. N to recover even a re gene~ rat~ man, convinceth Him fidl: foundly" of his finne, - with much aggravation and terrour,and then upon re- . morfe,a!fures Him ofpardon. 2. Sa"!· r z. I 3. Confider: further for this purpofe the Sermons of ot1r blejfed Saviour Himfelfe·; who taught tU one having authoritie, And not M the Scri!m: With what powtr,. and piercing, did our Lord and Mafter labour to open the eyes,~ tearch the hearts,. and wound the confcierices of His Hear~rs, to fit them for theGofpell, and):Iisowne d<!are Hearts-bloud? See Uf,fatth.;. ~c. And 2 3· An& 25. &c.. Of John Baptift: who by the mightine!fe·ofhis£l:eria1Lfpiri:t,, accompar:~ied with extraor-dinary' fl:rength from ·Heaven, did fhike through the hearts of thofe·that heard him~ withfl1ch aft0niil11meht about: their fpirituall fiate ;: with fuch horrout for. theirfor.:- mer wayes, and feare of future 'vengeance, that they came unto Him·thieke,and threefold,as they fay: Avd the people ~t4f<£d Him, (aylng, Wh!ft /hall wee .dQe..then: Then twne af(o · Publican-s to · hee /Japti:~:::.e.d, tttJtlfoid un~: _ tb Him, UM'affcr, what foall we doe?. And.Jh~ 'S oiJldieri. !~wifo demanded of Him,/ayin,g, tv.!ntl \\?hatfha/1.-n:e · .loe? Luk! 3.1o,tz, 14. Of Peter: who AHs z. being · now-frdhly infp~red,; and i~lu~riin~ted ·from ahov~ with la~ge · and extraordinary effu!ions of the Holy G~ofi, ffiagowed. by cloven fiery ton,~ueJ: in the very· pnme and floWer' of his Minill:eriall wifed~ome, bends;· ~reakethe hearts o_f his he~rers •. Amongf.l: other pt,ercmg Paffilges. of hts fearcl}mg Se.rmpn, hee tels then~ to_their faces, they fianding before him:ffai-- ned with the hprribleguilt of the dearefi.blond, that ever was lhed·u.poq earth, moll: worth£ to have beene· · gath~red _up · by themoll: glorious Angels, in ve!fels of! golct), that they had-c·rucjfied and Jlaine .that juO: am{; holy 137 Nath.iTSi luhnBaptmo