Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

:Part. I. Cap.t. eAjfiilled Confciencet. . reaching and com'mends· it to all the Minill~rs of viotarclegemjgraveeft bod. He firO: propofeth a Para? we do Doctnnes, a: be~e de nobis merit;, fc the illumination and conVIctwn of the underfi:~n-f/'-'TJUu-. -Cau_Jaf!J or .1 ? • . • 1 1 a d·to the ztem peccat~ apertt m • . ding. Then He app tes lt more parucu .ar f' .n . . . hac fua 'fJethodo·ulmi~ . refent: where he cloth r:otably exagttate ~n .....d a~gra- rtem qrt~d'Dav!d con- ~ate the Sinne, by recountmg,3nd o~pofing ~od s ~x-[em D~u:&gra· traordinary bounty and m oil: merctfull deahng wtth v1a, q11e mrie ftc~ta D. avid by the caufe of it cont~mpt of the Lords corn- fr~nt, demonftrat, to. , dfi,ll h' r. • h . Af. trtmq11e peccatmn pate. - mandement, and dre~ u t. tngs enluln.g t ence : . -facit. Ad cz.tremhm terward that Hee mtght fi:nke the_heart.tJ1Qrow With comminationes'.adgcit; allonifument an~ dread, he ~hreatens ternbly : At laflut colJ/let:ndpeccatore. upon compundton, and crymg,I havefinned,hefweet- f't~od~U~ttc{trv~t~r ly comf~rteth and rayfetbto tlie a(furance ~f. Gods fa- ::x~~;~~~b::,/ro'f:ti:n1 vout agame. ' . . : . . . lociU detur.Iv2Sam.i~o. If this courfe inuft .be take~ 'With relapfed Chrtfh-(t) C:alv. ]is {olupro- , ans : why not much more, Wlth thofe who are ftarke mtt~1_ur Ckrift114, qui. • deadin treJPaf[es and fins? :a;refatf1fl!Nt, & Chrift i1 promifed to them alone~ faith (t) Calv!n, who confop1ftf:.~7:en[u are humbled, and confounded With fenft of the1r ownc (u) Muic. 'tunc ~pp~r· jinnes. . . . . . . . . tune revelatur Chri• .. :7-henu Chrift fetifonah!y revealed, fatth (u) UJ1.ufcu-firM,Jrtando_cor~•mor­ . 1111 \\~hen the hearts 'Of men'being[ound/1 pierced b1 preach- nta 1 • 1 1111 frttd1cat1o1rt pce. ' .rrbn. · h J ,r, f H · · ent~comprmflade- i~g 'R_Jpentance, are poJJe.J~ wst a""s're o u grac1~111 ftrierio gratitt (hrifti. .. rtghteoufoe{fe. tene11tur. In Mar. c. 1 • . The 'Way tfJ Faith, faith (x) Be.e~t, ~penitence, Legall (x) Bez. lt~rigituratl compunttion: 6ecAufe'jcleyej[e enforceth men even un-fidem.e{l, r.M:rtfl-4:A{«;· wiUing, to Oie unto the Phyfitian. r:::dsaMm c~~~: 1/~~JS'lll· t .11: h G•fl. , '- h euuuco1t~gere t.Jif,{en llre ever to uee pPeparea J er t 1 oJret,, UJ t e Annot. in Mar. cap.z. preaching of the La'»'. . . vert: p. See the diffc- .A. Sermon of the Law, faid (Y) Tilenm, while he was rence betwcen~r~:G~ • · ~A(ce, and t-Wrrt~olce Annot. in Mat.c.~.v.~. And in Aa. c. r.v.3 r .-Se 'I! pet· enim font hominer adli.uangeliupr.e.· , tli&atione legi.J p;·tfplradi. In :.Cor,3 .n. (r) Tilenus.Ta:nitcre & rt{ipi(cerc differunt,ftcut aputl Hebr.t"~J:::ll}l~& :l,tU t4_pu4 Ghee or r:;-r;tr-llM~ '!J ~'7"1:tfai;v. ]Uud eft metisi_;oc cordu: llJN~ ttr~ '!"~1om,hoc noa ~ifi~1oru'!l: quavlf hoc difc~ii7_1en n~n ftmpe! ~fJ[ervatu~ • . Hoc (en[k ptlmtentlapr~orefl fide & Jt~fie(icatlone. Attfl hue refpl&lt tllapJ'.tpomt ifti.Mat.r. . ~ f .&c.~ia ltgu Cocio pr.tmittenda eft doflrin.t euange/ic.t,ut o/eu mifiricordi~t ill V tU c'iftritii . Jn~ndatur •. N ec obft~t,, quOd lo~h notatuponi!Nr vocabu!U t-W7rworiv: non (.Wrcefl!~!;Jc. etji • en1111 mm~m,qute ~tcodrt~fficacttel' vocatu,przmo memento fit ~7rt.~h4&t cum {o/imyt/ine&< ,·· llJft,ore ammi co1Jjuna11; t~Smen 'HI"fit ;tJ1 eg-Qv mox gigmt f« ~o11.1. 2. Cor.No, Syntag. ~ol. P·Z~C:·i~~ .~ )'Ct