Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part.I. C~p.I. t.Ajjli!Jee( Confciences. ,' that is ·full, delj>i1eth the h<;>ny-combe,faith Salomon: ~nd wh~t doth ~ proud Pharifee _or 'fl churlifo Nabal) . or a·Polrtick.t Gallio, or a fcoffing lffimael, care to heare ·· cf the 6r(adt~, and length, an_ddep~h. ~ndheight ofthel,ve .Epher. 3 ,18 • tf god in hu Sonnelefm? Exceptlt .beetofettlethem faU:er upon theirlees. TheDotlrineof thatnlflture.utU ACls '1· H• unfitting fuch uncircumcifed eares,. as the fi1ow .tlie Summer~ and the raine the Harvefr. .Vnto the Horfe. belongs a whip, t<;> the A{fe a bridle, and a rod to the Pr,ov. rG. r,3 • Foole~ back, &c.--He that i'nt~deth to t{o~ a1lJ good in · thu· fro:~:;.en genera#on, had needrather to 6e. Boanerges, Marke 3 , 11 • one·of the fonnes of Thunder, than Bar-Ionah tbe fonne of 11 Dove. - . · · The Wor·dof God, faith ( i _) Forbes, hath thre.e degrees ( i) forbes. In Ris of operation in t-he hearts fJf men. For, firfl. it falleth Commentary upon . . h fl J ,t: . • h · the Revel.c.x4. tomensu~re.rtUt e ounaoJmany-water.(,ameg ty,great, , ·and confufed found~ and which commonly, llringeth neither terrour, nor jOJ, but yet _a,-,ondering, andac~owledgement of a flrange force, and mote than .humane power. Thid id that effeCk which mltnJ felt, hearing Chrifl, when . the.J. were afl:onifhed at his DoCl:rine, as teaching with Mark. r · u.s 1• aitthority. What manner of Dochine is this ? Never Luke 4· 3"· . ·man fpak:: like this man. Thu ejfefJ faUeth ·even to the Iohn 7· 4 6 • ,reprobate-, whic~ wonder and vanifh : Ha6a~ 1.). eAch I3:4I. The next effell u the voyce of Thunder. ·Which hringeth not only wonder, hHt feare alfo: not on'J . fi!leth the earei with found, and the heart with aftonifoment, hut more-over foak!th andterrifieth the conflience. tAnd tbi& fecond ejfefl m11y alfo hefalt a reprobate. As Ft!ix, ~as 24. The third effect u proper to the eleff: the found of harping, ;,bile the Word not onlJ ravifoeth with adrmiration, and ftrik!fli ilifrC.tmjcience with ter- · rou~; hut alfo lajfly' filleth it 'With fweete.,peace and j~y' . &.c. Now albeit the firft two degrees may hwithout the htff ; _yet none f(rele the lafr, who have not iri'fome de- 'k) G ·h ' 1 gree, felt both the fir{l: two . l 911Se T e w 1~le G d h 1 h k '. 1 Armour of God pag~ o ~lltet none ( ) fa1th Gouge, but futh tU are z.37 ,,.38. ' ~ . J( 3 . firft .