Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

• DE D I CAT 0 RI E. ofpreaching. But if at any time, they heare of a Nathan, Ieremy, t_Amos, Chryfoftome, Latimer, &c. They.-are very loath to lend their atte·ntion, lefi thereby, they fhould be made Melancholicke, put in minde of the Evil! day; and tormented before their time. But if they have _the patience, They are readie to fl:artle in their feats, and whifper One to an other: rote fee now the(e precifer Fellowes WO#ld damne ta all to Hell: Let us breake their bonds a fim~er, and cart aw~y their Cords from us. Such :.tdoe there is,- and 1 world of worke, to bring fuch Noble Bedlams into their right minds; and to · fright fuch Idolizers of their own fufficiencies; and wilfull grafpers of their gilded·Fetters, fi·om their admired follies, and honourable ferp vjmde. 3. 1 hirdly, a gracious Man about a · - · · Royall Perfon" is agoodly Sight; and full well wonh even a Kings Ranfome. ( g) For never (g) Fidi imperat~ribr~ any except himfelfe truly feare the great God mantte, fed ante h• ' , • De1, pro~ter quem & of Heaven, can poffibly bee cordtally, and ijs, qu1brH comm~OiatJ confcionably ferviceable to ·any of our earth- traditi efli~. Nazian. I G d A P · . l r. I d Orar. 1 f., y OL s. rmClp e 10 c eare, an unque.. At qui proPter ve14m 1 fiionable, that no Man of underfl:andino-, and ~;., ft De~m metlf-e: Mafi:er or his owne Wits excep't himFelfe be tu, & _(fudsostdiZIJitU • • ., operam, Nt e;m 11111n· notonoufly obnoxious, can have the £1ce to d.tta {mmu , fote!et denie it. Pleafe .they may bee politickly ~u. etia~ Dei,AHsa '"' 1 fl . 1' d r. ntn. Ehas. p au11 e, atter extreame y, an repre1ent themfelves to ordinary obfetvation , as the onely Men for loyaltie and Love: But if we could fear eh., and fee their hearts, we_e thould finde them then moft laborious to ferve themA · felves, · ·~