- I S4 Infirutlions for a-right -comfortmg · Seel.' ~ • . ~C..,sn metap~orice .like a { d) mudde-wa/1 withoutJ1raw, or ;WJO.rier m~dr'. ~menu~~ - -Ja~lmtm'!' ,onely of fand without lime to 'binde it ~,.. which uH<i':ire 1 fine firammedwt'lir,ui 1 ! r · rt.. r ,h'l b ' h -Tft, 'iJonretUconfdliJ, weat 1er ma {CS .a rnre mew ~~~a w I e, ti~ w en & temptratum ql!o fi abundance of rame falls, and Vvmter comes_, rtmoulq~tid .ectljct(Uf, firu- ders .away) and.turnes to myre-intheftreets. Their . ttr~ra patumfirrpa (it, vaine confidence in proiperdus times, before·itcome &d_urabst:!.Pagn.Non'to the Touchfi:one of th-= fiery tryall by God's fearcheMtt~l[~wlJ11~:: oing Truth, may •fCerne currant ; But in the tempclt of ~~~. Lutum abfquc God's wrath when the fi:ormy winters-night of death pa!eu quibU6 [t'rmatur approached"', or at fi1rtheft, at the judgern~nt Seat of & ftrin~itrn·; nilrobo- .the jull: and Higheft God, it proves to be counterfeit : r~ pot~fi pr.-bere Pm- whet1 ,at the 'lall: they ffiall cry, Lord, Lord, like the ~;t~;.~r:.~ :r.;, 1 1 , f~l/lijb 'Virgin-s. And thofe Mat. 7. in fiead of i~agina· · . ne comfort, they lhall bee crufht wtth hornble and f. :tech. J 3 • 11 . &c. evedafring confu!i0n. ' Heare the Prophet : Say unto them which ' dawhe ' it 'with ·untempr/red morter, that it foal! fall : there foall hee an over-flowing {howre,andye, -0 great haile-flones, foal! fall, and a ftormy winde foall rendit. Loe, when the 'Wall u fallen, foatl it not hee foiri •• 1 -.·unto .JaY., whe:e u the dAwhing wherewith yec have daw- '. ' ', '. . btd ,it? '{li~refore ·thtU [~tith the Lord-God, I w~ll rend.. it with a'jl-ormy ."'finde in my (~frJ: a~d ~here fhall bee an, over-flowing /howre. in mine anger, andgreat haileflones in my.fury to confome it. So will I breftk...e downt . · th~ .;p41 thatjec hi!ve· dawbed 'wi~h untemperedmorter, :. ~.i;;d 'bring .it tjDwne ·to the g·round, fo ,t,h~tt the f~undati:. · "o"ti~ tbt?,-e'bf 'j~'all hee.di[c'overtd, and it foal/ fall1 and JC · j1iall hee crmfumed in the-midft thereej' : ~tndyefhall eyo'IJ thllt I am the Lord. Th~U will I accomplifomy 'Wrath . ·upon the wall, andupon them that have dawbed it with un-: . ~ :. . . . . :tempered morter ' ana will Jaj unto yo-u, The watt H •· · no murc, neither they thftt d~twbed it : To wit, the Prophets of Ifrael, which yropbef· c concerning Ierufalem, ~tnd which fee v~/ions of peace f()t' Her, and there u "' · peace, foith the Ltwd God: Such as with f:Jei mA:! the heart of ·therighteom fad, whom q 0 D hat.h not made fad; and flrmgthen the hands uJ the wick_td, that Het jhQH/d not returne from Ru mfk.!d Wit) hJ pro,UfiHI . - I