Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part. I.. Cap,•. i . . .A.ifiitled (O,ifoiences.. ----· · 1-5 5 - Rim life, E:u{ I 3. ~ i:. The~ fi:llowes hp~ci and;beare~ (d) Simt etia~ a_p~ttJ meere ci~ill men in hand, _that tl-ieir et-r~t~ is found·en- n~s-l.q~t; bene- ~lzoq~t~ & d _h f' h - J _ ·r- &Wtlttr', qkJta· eugh to Godwar _, w at oever t e purer anu precaer menn-ullodrjidaifJver· Brethren prate to the contrary :_ (d) and yet the holy bi tmcntur : i{loshomi~ Ghoft tells us _that 'Without hol1ne(Je·no man foall fee the nes 1:11nquani ego fan - . 'Lord 'Hcb. I~ If. That formal! Profeffcurs 'arevery tlt{tcatosdixcrim , netj, · ) J - 1 • h - ,r:. Ch ift r. n 11 h H emwn t'trtute1 effe e.\ • _ ro~waru men ;._w ereas 10 U1 n proieuet ~ ' ·t ·at _e iftimar.i111, fed virtu- .will jjJ-ew the lu~-warme out of hr:s mouth. Nay, and tf tuTil umbttU tlitntilxat there be talke even of a good fellow efpecially of fome & jimttlachra ,wn fme \ more commendabftna~urall parts,. ang plaufible carri- f~n_ Clificati.o;: c ~par- - · ic He_beiohut moaerately· that 1 m•y f61peal<e _tw;p,auone-dtvmte. naage , 1 _,v- , • . •' " _ • . l r. ' t~~rte, _nulla poflit effe and not Jllft everydaY. dnmk, ~ell, :well, '-_Vlli t Jey 1ay >-' vera v1Ytt/4.Rolloc.In wchaveallourfaults, and that1s H1s. Butas, concer~· Ioh.c. s.· Timehath ·ning the faith ful-l fer van~ of Go_d ; the~ are w~ont ~o bec~e, p_erhaps. w~·~n entertaii1e·the fame conceit of H;m whtch Ac}iali dtd we luve thought ~1v1Il ·· of ;;tzjah~ tc>wit,,t~t _ (e):H~e. wa(~Jrpu~·urof. If/ael : !~~~~~~r ~~~rf~~e~:; Whtch one of- the captames had of the -P.r<?phet fenqo 'u1: -It mufi bee nfore annoint Jehu,that He was a (. f}mad fellOw: wl-ii£11 the -than civility that fulfe Prophets had of (g) Micaiah; that he was a fellow brirgs eo HeavC?; of a fingular and od humour~ Himfel(e . and guided more than form~lr~y b · r · · f · t~ · h 'T' l that ma';es a Clmfi:1· . y a pnvate 1pmt o H1s owne : w 1~c J. ertu - an, &c._ u .- sctatet·, . - lm had of P~tul, that heewasa_ (h)pcftslent-fellow: SickSouletSal-hc; which the Phari[es had oFCnrifl:s Followers ; that (•) ' Klng.rr. r7. they were-a.contemptible and ( i) curfed generation, (') x_iji_ng. 9.rr ; . · a;. coO?pany of bafe, r~de? illitera~e underlings . Nay (~ ) ~~~n~ t~5~4· fomettmes, when .the oeulam fit -ts upon them, they Hroh 7.!s 49 will not 11:icke to char,ge Gods people in fome propor- (k) H<tc e[t'[e;tentitt tion mof\: wickedly and falfety, as the Ancient Hea- CcHci(ij ~~cerdotalu & thens did the Primitive Chrii1:ians, _wi th conventi- ~harif:rm ermtraptebe des and meetings ofhatefwll (k)impurities, &Cl: ion,dif- .Ea C~n[-i~ pmd~ntC!J'· .a:• .a. • ,{:, d } } .1 1 h" 7711,!£'Tllf!J'-TCI C~ 07 tnaui!l.-~1011 - tO C£J~r, an many ot 1er 1o~n D e t mgs, quiiit/](Jceft,Submalewhereas poore Soules ! they were moft Innocent: and diClojlmt: e-recrabues: infinitely abhorred all fi1ch ( 1) villanies : And they ~tieoqJ_. & excomm_u~ . _ _ ' , _ 11!Candt,-Htec eft ·m· fomu 'EJJa'ltge!lc<t-doc7rm<e ,quam [trrecogrtrtr apudpotentes ac prudentes hu jtu foculi,quOdft- &latores babeat h11mines ptebeios.abf~ttros & imperito1~ qni [i doctieffent, baud qtt.1quii illi- adhe-- ~tnt • Mufc. ( ~ Dwmurfi,eferatij}im1,de{amzmcntoinj't nticidij,& pabulo inde': & pofi convi'!Jiu mceft_o\ ~uod everfom luminil;canes,lenonesffi ticet ,tenrbl'a rmh & tib;di-nrun impirirum intJe~tr· ''!ndsa prorumtt . Ter. Ape!. c. 7. Sed qlUJd Bmni crl" itlt!J gtaviU& erat, infigr~ia de eis P::endtt- - _ m /P_arr,ebantur;Jncufabatur eoslmmm:i; carnibUJ vc(ci ,iil fantes d~s fuu immolarr,i1JCe{Hb1t$ - {f(e poliNere,&nefondi,Ohna qMque pcrpetrar.c. Func. Com. in. Chron, Lib. 6,