Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part .1. Cap. z. eAjjlitled C onfoien~c.r.. I 57 Heare how ( P) eAu}lin '_de~d~esfome o~ t-hefe . . · , . Selfc-feeking. and Soule-mu.rthenng DawbeFs In Hts CP.) Aun:b. Ab(it ·:t dz~ . , • r.. • h h fo ld camu4 vo vs vzvfle ut Dayes; Farre ~e ·tt from~, 1alt Hee, tat we ou ''~-'ltltis,(ecrllicpote,Dr~ fay unto you: ltveM you fvH, doe not troubl~y~.urjel-r:es, m ncminemperdi_t , t~l:· God will caft away ncne ;- .ondy hold t/,eCh;oiflran F atth : tttmmodo fidem C hrzfit· Hee will not deftro'V that which Hee hathredeemed, Hee. ~;wtvtemte:no~pcrdet .. d h :.;fi 1, H h h fl. d H · 'i d ~!le quod redcmtt nor& -wzll not. eftroy ·t ofe ·or wr;om e at · f"e u ~ ou ; perd t pro qmbU:[art1 C!And if you pleafe, to recreate your fo!ves at PlateJ",you gttinem( fudit: &t ·may <~oe ; what hurt u t~ere ln it'? Andyou_ m~y go to thofe ji {peuawlu ~o/,.eritis FealtJ which .ar( k,[nt tn al!Townes, by ;o-v1af! compam- obleu_are a_nzmos. ve- "J ' r h h fl"os tte-qutd tralutl; ~ om·, makf.M thernfelves meY.iJ, M t ey [uppofe, at t efe E't i:.n ·. . r. ' J•, • ·1... ~ • d rr. •• _ b . 1 d h . 1e 1.azPJa,qatCce,e• publtK.§ rneettnj[,s 11n come11 attonJ , ut tnaee rat er brantur per univc;fa& · themfelves moff miferable ; I fay you maygoe,and r iJitates in;~ia con.1 bee jovial!, God's mercy u great, and .may pardon all. -vi~.antium, &p:tb!~u Crowne your [elves -with 'R..gfe J" -bifore they wither.---:~-- ~Ze<lfls fCtpfi!s,ut put~t~ "V fill r;l . . h d ·h· · 'd . 'Ju-cundantutm, rttYua -' ou may your Je ves 'Wtt g~o t e~re an _-wtne, a-: magis perdentirtm;ite, mong ft JOUr good-fellow compambns : ' }or the Creature U C?!ebrate,magna efl Dei given unto m for that purpl!fe that wee may e~joy it.----- ·mi[er~cordia, qu.e to1 If we jay thefe things, peradventure wee foal! havegrea- tum eg'Jo{eat. C01·onater multitudes anplaude -and adhere unto our DoUrine. mtearvco~r. t'oji-t's 1lfrz~equa_IIJ_ _A dif h b 1 ' h" h ·h· t., th JP r.: 'h•r;_ c1can. mJheamml 1:!/Zn t t ere e fome, w tc t: tnK.§, at ettr<.J:.ngt t.Je ci-bo,(!;Jvi 110cuvefl.rit. ·things, we are not well advifed, wee. offend· but a few, and .Ad hoc enim data·eft thofe precife Ones, But we w;nne therelly a worldof pco- i!la cr:a.tura,ttt ea per~ Plc. 73 ut if we foal! thm· doe, JPeaki:.n'l not the words ofGod,.fr 114mm~---- h d. "c h :n. b "" n. l'''· · HI.'& ftdexertmUJ,fortc not t e 'WO~ s OJ C rt;•, ut our owne ; we Jull ~ 17CC P a- crmgregabimt"' tt~rbeU flours feedmg our Se!ver, not our ftockt. ampliores :. & p jint · The eAuthor of the imperfell commentary in Chryfo- quidam, 111i nos [entill:ome forted 6y ( .q) {om( hody into Homilies upe,n Milt- ant hoc dtcentr:s, nD" thew, feemes to intimate, that the caufe of the over- retl~[apm,paucos_ of- 'fl . d k r· . . . h b c rr. f h' 1'. fendsmrts, fedmu/mu- - ow1ng an _ran nes o lnlC}Ulty ,ts t e a1eneue o t . e1e dinem cm,iliamm. Selfe-preachmg men-pleafc:rs. ( r') To/le hoc vitium !J!!iod (ifecerimJts,non verba Dei, non verba Chrifli dictntes,[edno{tra;erimtu 'Pafiorcs nofmetip{os pa[ce~Ztts, non ou$. Lib. de Pafloribu~ To~·9·~ag.r;.u. Author of the Homilies upon s. Matthew. (q) Nouf;mtHomili.e, fld nefcto quu ita difiecuit optu. -Er:afm (r) ToUe hocvitium de clero,ne velint hominibtu placere, & .fine tabor~ omnia vitia re{ecarJtur .E. :t bocvitio na[citur ut ne vclint iuter[e mdiorem habere ,fieu~ (hnftMn. Hom,43. Ex. c..t 3 ·Jn verba.Omnia aut~m opera{ua facirmt,ut lib ho• tmm~IU vtdearuur) I am P.erfwadcd, it was 110 fmall motive toenragethe Scribesaild _-:f.banfes againft Chrifi > becaufe HcL taught with power) to tZ aftonifhment of Hi4 heaa