Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part. x. Cap. 3'· Ajfii£lcd (onfcimceJ. 1~7 -. evetlaftingly. By your d'ifcovery of our· pr~~nt fi~fmlf, •. . _ and curfed efl:ate, we fede our hearts torne m · *·pieces~: if ~~l' t; OJW ptmC/1m with extreme, and rem~ne anguifh, as though many ,iCdo~ xun~gendo pen e.:.~ k fill.' I E'h 1 d·tl9 - n~o\S ... 37• · fery Scorpb1/s fi_ings·ihx e ran 1~ t 1em; . 1t er ea e - us to the.fight of thatbleffi:d 0n:t-rype·of the Bra:G;w: Serpent<tocook and allay the boyhng rage o.f:our g~lltie wounds, . or we-arc utterly ut1done ::Either bnng us to the bloud of-that jtljfandholy One, which with 1 execrable villany wee have fpilt as water upon the ground,. that it may binde ~1p our b:okcn hearts, or. they will prefentl f burfl: with.defpaxre, and ble~d to· . , eternall death. G1ve us to dnnke.of that fuveratgne Jfai H· r. · Fountaine,opencd by .the hand ~f mer~y ,for all thirfiy. lo m 7· 37• Soules, or elf<> we-dye.. T-here IS nothtng you can prekribe,-.a1nd ~phpoiHnt, buhtwee wipxr.ofi willin~lhy doe. · Matth; f·lf- ~a~ . W-e ·wtl " -a our earts, ptttCf'\!OUt om·.rzg teyu, (c) Matrh. q . 44 • . ~ut off our rtght h.rnls; ·We meane to part wah o~r be· · By tbat aman bath, i!-: :. loved lufis, and dearefi'Gnfilll pleafures ; abomtnate, me~mJillner and by· and abandon them all for e-ver from the heart root to' fo.Umg lt, the re~o~n"" . f . f b '·d f l D . 1 l'. nno and d•fchunm<7 . the P1t o . Helh I we can en o t 1e C:VI s retters of finne.-Now r: welcome iball bee Chrijt'sfweet andeale y_ok!: In a fi:ll rhis, is' {asthe na~ word, we-will(~) fill'al!,even all our finnes to thdaf.l: rurc of felling wee filthy ragge .ofour hereoof0l'e doted upon: minion de- know requires). ' to ' ·/itTht,fo thatweemayenjoyourbl. effed/efuo~-;'Whom:, pardr_w 1 nh tdh~ n~,; 6 h. ld d bel ,..-. d 1_ · h . L an tJt :;an tntcreu,· you . ave to ,us, an we· now eeve, vo qat· ma~ thar amanh~th unrc>· 61Jth.ut:dandChrift, &c.· it; thc:•fecretandin"' · ward love -to ·i-t · -and · the outward ·and 'common" pracHfe -of ir. · Hce that would enjoy this heav~nly rre~fur~; which the L o_ R'D doth fo trcely and- gracioufly tender unto u~~ by the·preachingof the. . -Gofpell, muft re!Oive_ to make a through fale, and ro forbke not fome, bur every !iane,· . ncry corruption·; every breach ·of the will ot God,wh:hfoc:ver. Hi~ron.jn HuthirdSermoii ' upon Matth•l3·44•; Wharmufi thdinner fell Alt 'that H~hath . Whatisthat~ His: · Goods, Lands, ChiiJrcn? No, Thefcbe none of hisowne, -God -hub but lent him th~fe:. to ure; and fome that would have Chtill, a_nd fr.all have no'goods to fell ·: Wh~t rhcn,Js, vur· owne? <?udins :and nothl~g ~If e. ~e ~bat will haye·part inCllrifi; m~fl: ,,artwj~h his ,. , linnes; .Hee cannot have · ~hntl and kcc:pc any One: of them• · Rogcrs m hu DoOlrmc of f -·. Falth' P· 17 (.&c. ~i vclit pro djg7Jiratc (ua .eflimare dD,' IJU'Od offirt Cbi·ifftu,quantumfit 5 necef[i efi_Jdm primum de pcccatu (uu, Cl" mifti'ia togittl; fie enim /iet utplur.i& [,acjat ' , C~rl/iiJtll-, quam U'JilVtrfitm b'tmc I'J1undum; tiJmque avide iul fc eripiat,: ad j tifli/ifatilnem;-&i:' ·. ~ S~r!Jttem [u4m .fftetnam. Ro.Uoc.Jn .Joan.c.-6. p:~g, H6; · ' · · · Now;:.