Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

t66 JvftruClionJ" for a rigldt comforting .Then hea1e the~_ with Now when we iliall fee, and finte in fome meafure the Gorpell, wmch the hearrs of Hearers and{pirituall Patients thus (')Though :1 Mart , . :i. b l 1 l a ll d' . .a.· · :{ . fi dares nCJr apply the pr... pa~e~ , ot 1 oy e~a . e;eLlions am terrou~s rom rremifc ro One, only the fpmt of bondage; (t) and alfo poffdfed Wlthfuch terrified by the Law, melting and. eager aff.:Cl:ions, wrought by thelight of yet to Onetru!y thus the Gofpell, and. Otf.:r of Cbrifr ; When their Soules huUb~d by- r.he 1 Gof- once begin to reele all finnes, even their befr beloved ~d ~e dc~~r~:~~~: One, heavie and burdenfom~; to prize lcfus Chrift fa-r tbe~:Jtogcrr,lb.p.r4t· before a!l theworld, to thidl: for Him infinitely more, ... uHeb. S'· 9. . . . than for riches, pleafures,honors,or any earthly thing; ( ) H.e_c ~a'- ex_~lmm to refolve to take him as their husband, and to *obey Baby!omctt re[irmgen- · h · L .J. r. · ·· d 11 h' · h I danonefie. dixi,quia Hunast etr. oru.wrever, a t tsmtrut :. pattnt lati{jime, & dtJ- fly then, and 111 thts cafe, we may have comfort to mtClrinam euangelijcum- mfrer Comfort. Then, upon good. ground we may goe preh:ndant;. _In q,,a, aboqt our Mafrers co~mnand,Jfa. 40.1. (whichmanP•'.tcrp~ecp v~&fftacon- pleafers inany times pittifully abufe) Comfvrt ye Com- ·fola!rde;EJ114enemefi,e- fi l ( ( ) · · r.· fr. ? • all . rigere ajflillos e!l· pro- ort .JC my peop e; u I meane 111 re1ped: o 1p1r1tu ftraw,en~Cios, & {:re bondage )-----Spea~ yee co~fortably ~o Jentfalem, ~n~ mortuosrtmar~ :'!1~; cry·Hnto Her,thlft Herwarre u accomplifoed,tht~t Her~m~. ftos .leTJare tt~fietsa. quiiJ u pardoned. We may tell them,with what acorn• ~~~~~~ . ' t & l. paffionate Pang, and deare compellation, God Him~ "<!J'ar-aptwl d~ 1- • 1. b c. h ,m·r-t J btf'atio ifJa co;~raliJ felrela ours :o re1refh them,Jfa.54.II· 0 ~ oH aJJ.s"reu, typrvm b~buit;captivi· and toffed wsth tempeft, that haft no comfort; behold,! . ta.t~, & ·libera~ion~ will/ay thy ftones withfaire colours,and lay ( x) thy foHn-> ( IP1~!1Ni!~; non ~n le· dations, with S~itphirs, &c. Wemayaffureth~rqm~he ·~:;~;;:rtf:;~6fi;[~~ Word of life at~d Truth, that JejJU Chri~ Is theirs, tNalu {ub tftcati jug~, a~.i t~ey . are Hts : An~ compel! them, as It w~re,.by _f#Jotttcrn"'"'nu mctu, an holy violence, not Without a great deale of JUft m- .;~emq;rtdempti~i1~(Cm dignation againfr th~ir lothnetfe to beleeve, and hol..; 1'1t 1114.W{hnflu fa.- ding off in this cafe to take his Perfon, His merit, His /111 COfJlatlonem aflul- bl d.. ll u · S · · 11 • h · · '1 d 11 :Jtlfd 11•erit. scoJc. . ou , a , .1s. ptr~t~a r1c es, pnvi e ~es, exce_en- (') · ve{piritualllcro- c1es : And With Him po{feffion of all things, even of }0/ydf.,i loqNitur, '~jUJ the moll: glorious * Deitie it felfe, ble{fed for ever: fondamentum,Chnft~ See 1 Cor. 3• 21; 2.:1, ~3. !oh. 17. li • . 1 Cor. 3• • 1. Scult. 10 . locum. · ~ In· that fenfe a~ I te':ich in ~y E:tpolicion of the la{\ Article of the beli.:fe, Faith in the fid\ ael, nukethu~ thrills, reconciles us to him, make11 us one: with Him~ and by Him witbOodtheF~ther • . D. D.