Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

____;_____ ~~----==~~....,..,~- -' ~ Afflitl~d {onfcience~· · . 1 <i.9.· ~ . Patt.I. Cap. 3· ~ :But now in the meane ti,me, u~1till fenfe of !piritti ~ . ----- .. ---- .... .. . . all tnifery :tnd povery raife ql1 hunger and thirfl: after · ::. , ·' ·· Jefus Chrift, before fuch like preparations, .and prec~- Before the Law?is Ltn· ·: ' dent aff2 :::1ions, as have beene fpoken of, be wrought 111 feafonable,_ a s 1~ pro£-: the be:~rts of nwn~ by preiling the Law,and proclaim- .vcd by tefiiJXlomcs 0 ·' ing the · ~cfpdl, and that in Sincerity, (for the degree . an<d mea1j.1re, we leave it to God, as a moflfre~ Agent, , in f1me they may bee il:ronger, in fome weaker) tr.e: preaching or promifing of mercy, as a-lready belonging unto them is farre more unfeafonable, and unfremly, than Snow_in St:tmmer, rai~~ in ha_rvefl, or honvttr for Pl foo!e. It is upon the matter, the very ~ea- . ling them up with the Spirit of delufion, that they may never fo much as thirik of taking the right courfe · to be converted. What fottif11and facrilegious auqa1.. cioufi1eife then is it in any 7Jaw6er to thrufl: his prq~ phane hand into the treafttrie of God's mercy, and there hand o\·er head, without a11y allovvance ftorp ~ his highefl: Lord to fcatter Hi~ deare!l: and mofl: orient . pearlesamongfr Swine r . To warrant fah'ationJo any . unhl)mbled Sirmer? To ftrengthen the handJ· of the )fie- . k_td, who · n~ver yet tooke !inne to heart tG any p~rpo f~, and ~hir£1: farre more ( ft1;ch true qadqrms -ar<:;i they) af.ter gold, fatisfyiug their own~ Iufl:s,and per.t<.- ing _aboyetheir brethren; · titan for the,bloud of (;briff~­ by promifin..rr, t ~e?nlife ? To afiilre mee,r_e ~i y ill ~nen,_ ~Q.d Phatifes \Vho are fo-farre trom the fenk: of any fpirituall poverty, that they are already fwolne as fi.1ll as _the skinne will hold, with a fe:lfe-conceit of their owne mtten righteouft1eife, that they Jhall·befaved a~ \veil as the mofr puling prectfian? Efpecjally, fith there i_s 1ilch a cloud if wiinejfes to t_he<;ontrary, as Y9~ lla;V~ heard before. Befides all which, upon this·occafion» ,; I • take two or three moe. Heare a rnofi faithfull and frmtf~U- workmaii in the_Lords harvefl:, of grea~ s~~l, ~~ ~n .ti~i~~n~~-r . expener;ce a1_1d fttcceae. ,xn th_e mo!l: gloriou~ .Art 9f. l)tnn~. , . c.onvert111g . ~.oul~s, . wh1ch inakes me ~~~c: willing to urge