·-"or;.~------------------------- ! nflru~ions f or a rig bt comforting Sect -,~ ~---------------~--~---------------------- urge his antharit y., and ell:eeme :his judgement in. , {r)'Jta~crsotD~dh:nt · Points of this nature. None, ( Y) faith he,c.m pro·veor »fl. hts Dochme of foew pre;1dmt, that faith wac Wrough.t in an inflant at fatth, pa''·6'3• 1~ r:r. · h · · b ,.r:; N · · o · >rn, wrt out any preparatton gomg e.; ore: or can.tt · 'bee' conceived how a ma·n jf;Qu/d bd!eeve in.Chrift for fal· vatirm, that felt not himfelfe before in a miferab!e eft ate, ttnd wearied with;it, and dejirtd to -get fJUt of it into a better. ~i the needle ~(ON before to pierce the cloth ana ,mak,sJ way for the ~bred to few it: So u it in this .cafe. Afterward Hee tels us how and m what manner and order, the!e pre-difpofitions, and preparative Ads J re- . {'t.) Hce make£conrri- quir~dfo~ the plantation of faith, and fo 'fr.curing us of rion ro foll~w Legall the nght feafon, and a comfortab1e calling to affure rcrrour, and precede men of fpiritnalLfafety, are wrought in fl1ch,as God is · !hatrepentancewhi<h drawingunto Jeji.u Chrifl, He requires from thdaw, ·.Fa~. thhe Dda~ghtedr uff Firll:, Illumination: Secondly, Conviaion: Th~rdly, , .1Jt ; ::m w or er o h f nature followes after Legal! terrour. From t e Gofpell by the helpe o . the ir. Sec Ibid. pag. ux. Spirit; Firft, 'R,swaling the remedy: Secondly, Be!iife n:., nj,I7.4· of it in ~~enerall: Thirdly, Support in the rnean~ time S:e alfo Maficr Ho~- from finkJ.mr under the burthen, and falling into defPaire. leers Preface to Hts F 1·1 °( z) C ·.· Wh" 1 · d d · h Booke, added in the ourt : y, . . ontrz,, ttJn-; , le 11s atten e , ~lt . fecond Edition. fomektndeof, Ftri1,Defire,Secondly, requefl. Thtrd- (•) Ifanybe troubled. ly, Care. Fourthly, (a) Hope. Fifthly, !try. Sixthly. becaur~ heo t~lkes of Hungr;ng ~tnd thirfling after mercy, and after (hrlft. · hope, J0Y• &~.before Seventhly Refo!ution to felt all to wit all fi nnes not 'Fatth, let Htm fcekc 'h c 'b h' d ' d '(J. · h h )' 1 fat~sfaclion, Ibid. pag. to _leave an oore e 111 e, &c. An thus · 1a1t e Go66 . ,xtSr. 16:.. and weigh . . wellHisdiOinC!ion'of the Gifts of God , frag. 11~. u~. where He relsus of three kinds of' them: Firfi, fome common to Elet!, and Reprobate ;as knowledge in Scripture, Propbeeie, Tongues, Mira.cl'es, and fuchlikc, Secondly.. fome rpe~lall, belonging [0 the EleB: on• ·Jy, as.Fairh, by whichwee a.re·ju!Hfied, a renewed·heatt, a goodconfciencc, thefeare of G o D, a11d fuch like graces. Thirdly, fome middle ones, wrougrf: in tbe heart of thofe, that bee not yet:tt!ually the children of God; yet certainely !hall be; And which who· (oever have: wrought in therri, iliallfttrely have Fairh,aud cannotgoe longwithout it ,S Jch is this contricjon. and fuch difpdfitions as be in men beforeFaith, which yet are wr~mghr ,by the Gofpdl. There are ben er then commonGifts, yet not aduall Graces, anq yet gra· ~ious inclinations to Faith,which are in tbofe that are to bejullified;aodwhich (.i f we (peake properly) cannot be wrought in any that (hall perifi1. See .Mafter }iook<r in the Preface to ,the {tune Boo~e.. · . ·